Friday, December 13, 2019

In Preparation for the Journey

Conceptual impressions surrounding this blog are yet to be substantiated, corroborated, confirmed or woven into a larger argument or network.

Design Hypothesis: 
Consciousness is conceptual, illusional, symbolic, metaphoric and virtual in character. Consciousness is the quintessential archetype. Consciousness is the concomitant consequence associated with a range of multidimensional patterns of energy whose origin rests beyond the subconscious. 

Awareness brings forward a “sense of consciousness” by fostering correspondences and fusing the concepts of meaning and purpose. Metaphysical in content and context, quantum, fractal and holographic in representation, all forms of energy/Life are revealed and made apparent by means of Design. Design is lovingly veiled in all that can be seen, known, measured and/or felt. (07.09.2023) 

Design describes a metaphysical and multidimensional process. The design process is dependent upon knowledge, understanding, intention, intuition, imagination and awareness. Design creates a network of energy in motion (EIM) between fields/states/points/agents and patterns of awareness. Design creates a virtual, symbiotic and metaphoric lattice between consciousness, the subconscious and the unconscious, the tangible and the intangible, the known and the unknown, the seen and the unseen. All forms of energy in motion are based upon principles of meaning and purpose both felt and understood. (01.13.2023) 

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There is no one single model for design or the design process that can be easily described and/or fully understood. Approaching the universe as an expression of the design function is merely one way in which to interpret a reality we personally experience in our own unique way. Design describes a particular modus operandi, which is an entirely subjective method of interpreting the world. Design imparts a personal kind of filter, an interpretation founded upon pre-conceived belief systems and assorted inputs both tangible and intangible. These personal points of view are duly supported by experiences and events we view both as observers and participants of Life. 

Observation and investigation over time support or negate past observable patterns and relationships. Together they join/unite into a field of consciousness viewed and interpreted as being in a state of perpetual fluidity, i.e. change. How we interpret our concept/s of reality likewise reveals a certain type of "being-ness", or personal perspective that in turn, affects the way we act and respond to this reality we've created for ourselves. These realities have been devised so that we may cope with what's "out there". 

By thinking we know who we are affords us the opportunity to better understand who we are, were we stand in our society and what might assist us in making further sense of the world. Our impressions allow us to accept or reject change as we experience its affects in our lives and the lives of others. We seldom realize that we have the innate ability/power to influence our world/reality in all we say, think, feel and do. We unconsciously create a world in which we think/believe/wish we lived in, solely in order to maintain a balance between what is out there and what you feel lies deeply within. 

Humanity has been swayed over the centuries into believing that the reality of others hold the truth. For some reason we think others hold the key or show the way, when in actuality we each represent a piece of a puzzle we call consciousness/reality. Together we've designed a reality that we together have created for ourselves.

One of the objectives of this blog is to investigate the relationship between design and consciousness, in addition to determining how design in the form of symbols and metaphor, influence our perspective of a world we've fabricated for ourselves and others as true/real. You may resonate to what is discussed here or not with full understanding that by nature we each create our own paths towards greater consciousness through greater awareness.

What is of importance is the realization that only you are capable of making the choices that amend and/or modify what you believe in, and to that end you are also held responsible. You are an active participant in an ever changing reality made apparent by virtue of your own consciousness and that you alone have the power to create, alter, admonish or eliminate your every POV. The consequences are obvious ... you experience the life (reality) you've created for yourself in reference to how you perceive yourself and others. Be careful for what you wish and/or pray for. 

perceive  discern, recognize, become aware of, see, distinguish, realize, grasp, understand, take in, make out, find, identify, hit on, comprehend, apprehend, appreciate, sense, divine; informal figure out; British informal twig; formal become cognizant of.     2  see, discern, detect, catch sight of, spot, observe, notice.     3  regard, look on, view, consider, think of, judge, deem, adjudge.

Evolutionary consciousness (enlightenment) is contingent upon learning how to design by first designing ourselves.

How might we break the chains of the past and create a more cooperative, imaginative, creative, holistic and global union by virtue of exercising a higher level of perception/awareness?   

Current forces strive to capture our minds and hearts, limit our perception, misinform and distort patterns of energy for purposes of restricting and controlling human consciousness.

Design doesn't always demonstrate or fully reveal, its purpose or meaning through logical, linear or rational means. Rather design requires that we observe symbolically, metaphorically and analogically. In this manner old patterns of thinking and feeling are free to be recognized, reconfigured and/or replaced with new concepts, ideas and insights. 

Flexibility and adaptability are key. For all intents and purposes humanity tends to function within constraints and limitations that obstruct the expansion of consciousness. These influences are the remnants of past evolutionary paradigms that continue to leave us yearning for joy, love, harmony, balance, sense of security, integrity, respect for ourselves and feeling a true sense of freedom. 

Change has metaphysical connotations. Change influences how we think, feel and respond to others and our environment/surroundings. Design expands our awareness by silently investigating, intimately revealing and actively interpreting our perspective and interpretation of life in a symbolic way. Design suggests we look deeply into how we view and interpret the Universe. Design strongly recommends that we seriously look into how the Universe represents itself and how we as a species, respond to its influence. 
Design describes a virtual method of thinking and feeling we already enact in life - subconsciously. We readily view, interpret and at times impose, our personal worldview as the only "correct way" of perceiving reality, while simultaneously allowing the belief systems of others determine direction in our lives. Living in a modish world accounts for many of our dependencies. We've relinquished our power to others to dictate what to believe and what is real. Evolutionary speaking this paradigm has run its course and its patterns become more dysfunctional and meaningless.

Consciousness reveals the mysteries of the Universe in a symbolic and metaphoric fashion by Design - always has, always will. 

Our challenge is to reignite, recalibrate and renew the power in which we are endowed, i.e. the ability to interpret, resonate and materialize a field of conscious awareness having no borders. Evolution has symbolically described every step along the way. Change is created by virtue of free choice. Humanities design describes a growth in conscious awareness. Returning to what some describe as the "good old days" is no longer applicable, nor will it ever meet the needs of humanity/planet.

We innately converse symbolically (design) with that which has no name, renders the truth, embraces beauty and exudes goodness. We achieve greater consciousness (enlightenment) by exercising the virtues of knowledge, understanding, compassion, love and wisdom. 

Such elucidations need to be based upon an intimate knowledge,  understanding and implementation of the design process. Current definitions of design need to be re-thought, re-considered, re-calibrated and re-designed in preparation for the next step in human evolution. 

The concept of design needs to be re-configured and realigned. Novel methods of observation and perception need to be encouraged and respected for purposes of exploration and interpretation, including conscious and subconscious networks both seen and unseen.

Always give rise to what is meaningful in life. Meaning becomes most apparent/predominant at the beginning and end of every evolutionary cycle. Design always holds the key note in the harmonic transition and transformation of energy, light and information.

The design process does not exceed meaning and purpose, rather it reveals a relationship (idea) that can be shared between them. Meaning and purpose give birth to each other.


Observation runs deeper than perception. Observation demands focus, perceptions appear in every sweeping moment. 

Take note of the relationship that create brings relative substance to both the details of the situation and the context in which it is observed.

Identify potential patterns and opportunities for action, i.e. change, whether tangible or intangible.

Develop a short term plan while focusing about the meaning and purpose surrounding every symbolic event or experience. Soon it becomes apparent how to symbolically respond in accordance to what needs to be altered and/or engaged.

Know that synchronicity is part and parcel of every design. Watch for them. Synchronicity allows for greater definition, guidance and understanding to the state of awareness being experienced in that moment.

Always point towards wholeness until the lack of change no longer allows for choice, then begin to go forward to redesign the system/matrix/network. Give precedence towards a context of your own liking while simultaneously becoming aware of the potentials/forces that tend to encapsulate and/or surround you. 

All situations are constructed of a multitude of changing, shifting and symbolically inter-related issues, experiences and events that when perceived holistically appear as a multidimensional force in the form of thoughts, feelings, i.e.impressions. 

Know for a fact that all things, experiences and events are always changing. 

Know for a fact that all that can be perceived and/or observed is the product of an attraction, i.e. a force/influence/urge to merge and/or e-merge within the parameters of an incomprehensible state of consciousness made apparent in the form of Light, Energy and/or Information. 

We all possess an intimate point of view of the world. Know that your POV is as powerful as any other. After sensing many variations, i.e. different configurations as is humanly possible, we may likewise find ourselves responding to these impulses in a predetermined/patterned and/or synchronistic manner.  

Through experience we've become intimately connected to certain details, implying that we are present in a three dimensional world/ field while likewise being an active participant/observer of a “reality” of our own choosing. In the struggle to grow in awareness we've come to learn how to expand in consciousness by means of symbolic association (design). Over time we've lost the skills supporting this intimate tool of communication. Evolution points towards the re-generation (redesign) of every potential attribute available. Evolution is designed to cyclically spiral forward by means of re-directing human consciousness towards a higher frequency/greater awareness.

Everything changes yet appears to remain the same because you have not changed.

Design opens our mind, our heart and our imagination in addition to opening the mind, heart and imagination of others. Because of change we learn to grow and expand in awareness. By means of experiencing linear time, in conjunction with three dimensional space, we learn to adapt to a wide variety of situations. We mistakingly believe we perform this task alone, when in actuality we are symbolically guided by forces/impulses stemming from both the known and the unknown. 

Patterns of energy, as they are expressed in Nature, are your guides, which means that you're never alone. Also realize that these paths have been shared by those who have preceded you. Earth (Gaia) creates the context for life's journey. 

Through knowledge, empathy, compassion and understanding we attribute greater awareness to our own POV. All forms of energy symbolize a certain quality or attribute of our own choosing and persuasion. We are attracted to that which we give a meaning and purpose. Forms are conceptual constructs made manifest, i.e. designed, in the form of an idea, feeling or impression, i.e. experience/event, to which we are attracted. 

It is through design and the creative process that we subconsciously share our being-ness with others. We share who we are, how we think, and how we feel about ourselves ... which includes the world in which we live by virtue of what we design and create. We might describe such an expression as the only reality we can call our own, a reality that by virtue of design we also share with others. We are constantly seeking harmony, balance and coherence through a process of convergence and resonance. We are a cohesive species filled with limitless potential if we merely allow ourselves to make the "most appropriate" and knowledgable choices amidst a complex environmental context that in certain circumstances, attempts to restrict and control us.

Know yourself by perceiving yourself in others. Understand yourself by observing yourself in others. Love yourself by loving others.

It is imperative that you research/investigate into every situation/circumstance of your liking. These necessary steps should be taken before crucial decisions are made or serious creative efforts launched. That which can be counted, weighed, measured and/or felt have a meaning and a purpose all their own. What is the purpose in support of these configurations and what does it mean? What is their contribution to the whole? How do forces/impulses interact with each other both within and beyond the parameters of your own observation and others? How do elemental states of energy/consciousness respond to each other? What kind of other systems/matrixes/networks do these configurations of energy/light and information attract? What systems do they reject? Much can be absorbed from a concerted effort surrounding a symbolic investigation of the scientific paradigm, as well as the poetic ventures that can be revealed through the beauty of language and art. Balance and harmony remain supreme.

Investigations and contemplations that enter the visible world (physics, chemistry, etc.) is preceded by a relatively invisible, intangible and not entirely incomprehensible metaphysical one. In today's "world" that somewhat incoherent realm has been labeled as being quantum in nature. This label might likewise include the meaning and purpose in support of every element/agent that brings coherence to every situation. 

Each emotion, every thought, every feeling, every facet/fractal in Nature is relevant to every other situation/circumstance. All things are patterned about a common design blueprint, a common plan and a common goal achieved by individually fulfilling a series of objectives both seen and unseen. Everything that can be sensed, imagined, considered and/or intuited is an integral part of a world/reality you've labeled/designated/designed as your own; a detail helping to describe a larger idea that lies beyond the perception and efforts of any single POV. 

What are the symbolic connotations associated with that which can be both seen and unseen? Might it be the quantum field? Knowing that each part effects/affects the whole, what would be the symbolic ramifications if one, or all, of its elements shifted? A designer needs to learn, know, understand and eventually intuit how each element might come together appropriately

Greater consciousness implies that a greater awareness along with a broad inquiring belief system, is necessary to complement every design situation. Subconscious inputs in the form of symbols, analogy and metaphor become more specific and revealing. The heart becomes the place where integrity can be felt and developed, along with an endearing trust experienced deep within views and perceptions of the observer.

Only then can you muster a design that encircles your desires and can be fulfilled by means of a universal trust. Change and frequency are key. These are issues that can never be overlooked, forgotten or purposely distorted. Ask what is the quality of the field you have chosen to "make your mark"? Does this idea resonate beyond your own intimate desire of expression? Does your design complement a greater design network so that evolutionary progress can be shared? What stands out is the fact that what one creates is made apparent only within the parametric constraints it had already created for itself. We are protected by virtue of our ignorance and desire for greater Intelligence and awareness/consciousness. 

I propose that every universe/reality is designed and created in order to experience itself by virtue of reflection. These impressions can be symbolically revealed and interpreted within the dynamic created between a form's meaning and purpose. 

The origin of this design process begins with the concept of singularity, the center, the point, the ultimate balance, which in essence, re-presents symbolically a hypothesis attempting to set the stage, create the context, and bring into manifestation an idea

Surrounding this hypothesis is the proposal that everything that could ever be humanly experienced lies dormant within the constraint/limits of this single coherent field. This is where early understandings concerning design, the design process, the beginning of manifestation and metamorphosis begins. And here is also where the paradox surrounding the concept of design becomes apparent. 

If all that could ever be known, discovered and/or revealed rests within the parameters of this circumstantial phenomenon then what preceded this single event? Every source is but a qualification or attribute of a system/network of resources that together give rise to a system of coherent singularities that reach beyond human imagination. Any singular point of concentration considered to be a "source" is merely the result of a selection or choice purposely made by the observer. There are an abundance of "sources" in every Universe and that by calling out any single attribute cannot alter the realization that there is a Presence that is an absorption of every quality known and unknown.

Steps have been taken to push human awareness forward by means of a coherence between individually designed blueprints working in tandem to achieve a re-cognition described in terms of achieving a higher frequency/vibration. Duality can take awareness just so far. The concept of Design described by means of energy, light and information, vibrates at a particular frequency and typically appears in the "form" of signs, symbols, metaphor, analogy, e.g. music, art, science, etc. 

Design works in conjunction with consciousness to in order reach beyond formlessness and into form. It is the process by which "spirit" is recognized (re-cognized, re-thought, re-experienced) and thereby made consciously apparent for all to see, observe and recognize for themselves. Design affords human consciousness the opportunity to enter into a harmonic resonance/cadence with every other field/source of energy in the Universe. 

Design's current purpose is for humanity to relearn, rediscover and respond to our planetary heritage in a manner that was previously known, exercised and experienced. It was known and understood by the elders of the planet that spirit only "appeared" to be veiled within the patterns of the senses and observation of matter. It was known that spirit and matter were reflections of each other, sporadically congealing within a field of perpetual change, a wholistic field of energy, light and information made apparent throughout Nature. 

There is a particular wisdom from the past, certain archetypes we share with the universe that still require harvesting. It is time to separate the wheat from the chaff. That which continues the attempt to separate this union for reasons of power, control and greed have chosen to remain unconscious.

However, the question remains, at what point in the evolution of human consciousness will we begin to realize that we are what we've always been, i.e. the containment of a conscious field of  awareness visibly "hidden" within every form of energy, light and information we've designed/created for ourselves. We cohesively meet this challenge solely in order to bring meaning and purpose to our lives and the lives of others.

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The Sagarian Design Network is an exploratory venture subjectively and collectively based upon research/data/events/impressions and experiences. This input may be scientifically supported or not. It is not the purpose of this blog to recommend or support any particular movement, religion, social or economic structure, culture, political ideology, educational system, nation, state, etc. but rather to encourage you to look within to reveal to yourself that which you already know but have yet to consciously realize as your own. 

This methodology is implied in its logo. The purpose and meaning in support of this particular blog is to repeatedly (Aries) project (Sagittarius) one's awareness into the unknown, an unknown we individually/subjectively (internally) and collectively/objectively (externally) both share and create. 

"The role of designer that you so seek to acquire lives deep within the cellular structure of your being. It is not housed in haphazard musing. It resides within all potential, tapped and untapped, under the multi-dimensional structure of you. When you sense a lack within your life, you immediately move your being into that point and you are re-united with that structured formation of lack – not as a punishment, but as a teaching. When you place yourself in the zone of deserving, then you become magnetic to all possibilities that exist beyond the limitations of your dimensional surveillance. You seek what you know yourself to be. You seek to learn and in that expansion, all is served. You seek to become blessed. You seek to find love. And yet all of these qualities are inherent within your own creational field."
... and whenever felt challenged remember you are not alone in the pointedness of your journey ...
"When you see geese flying along in "V" formation, as each bird flaps its wings, it creates uplift for the bird immediately following. By flying in "V" formation, the whole flock adds at least 71 percent greater flying range than if each bird flew on its own. People who share a common heart direction can get where they are going more quickly and easily because they are traveling on the thrust of one another.
When a goose falls out of formation, it suddenly feels the drag and resistance of trying to go it alone — and quickly gets back into formation to take advantage of the lifting power of the bird in front. If we have as much sense as a goose, we will stay in formation with those people who are headed the same way we are. When the head goose gets tired, it rotates back in the wing and another goose flies point. 

Geese honk from behind to encourage those up front to keep up their speed. What messages do we give when we honk from behind? When a goose gets sick or is wounded and falls out of formation, two other geese fall out with that goose and follow it down to lend help and protection. They stay with the fallen goose until it is able to fly or until it dies, and only then do they launch out on their own, or with another formation to catch up with their group. Here in dear friends lives the teaching!" 
Gillian Macbeth-Louthan

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What is a designer? Designers are men and women who are faithful to themselves and others, who creatively abide and amalgamate their skills and beliefs with love and integrity - the goal: personal, collective, global and soular balance and harmony. (07.01.2023) 

"Love eternal will not be denied"
The Moody Blues

"To believe is to accept another's truth. To know is your own creation."

Be assured you will not discover all the answers to your inquiries here. Continue to investigate into your role as observer, participator and creator in a design of your own making. Be aware of the by-products and outcomes that surround your every choice and decision.

Edited: 12.21.2019, 01.29.2020, 02.26.2020, 03.16.2020, 10.18.2020, 01.23.2021, 03.06.2021, 09.16.2021, 11.13.2021, 01.30.2022, 03.18.2022, 03.25.2022, 04.06.2022, 06.13.2022, 10.21.2022, 02.01.2023, 11.22.2023, 01.02.2025, 02.02.2025, 02.17.2025
Find your truth. Know your mind. Follow your heart. Love eternal will not be denied. Discernment is an integral part of self-mastery. You may share this post as long as author, copyright and URL is included as the resource and shared on a non-commercial no charge basis. Please note … posts are continually being edited over time. Copyright © 2006-2025, C.G. Garant. All Rights Reserved. (Fair use notice) You are also invited to visit  and URL and,

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