Saturday, March 9, 2024

Energy in Motion (EIM)

Conceptual impressions surrounding this post are yet to be substantiated, corroborated, confirmed or woven into a larger argument, context or network.

Emotion (energy-in-motion) can be held motionless by thought. Along with desire, this ability initiates the attraction (focus) necessary for the inception and generation of a quantum pattern in space/time. Energy in the form of light appears to congeal, i.e. materialize, about this focal point when it is made in reference to a particular desire to be experienced in space and time. 

Energy appearing in the form of light is holographic in character. When viewed in reference to a particular POV, energy-in-motion is typically modified about a particular framework (blueprint), state or density. The denser the reference point found in relative space the lower its vibration (wavelength) the less dense the higher. Likened to a spectrum of white light, every frequency is colored about a particular frequency that tends to characterize and categorize it.

Patterns of light (quanta) that enhance both the vibrational qualities of thought and emotion can likewise be characterized, categorized and therefore qualified. Categorizations are typically weighed in favor of the observer thereby allowing for a wide range of interpretation in response to every affect. However, these affects may or may not support the interpretation or intent of the perpetrator.

When viewed from within the duality of 3D space/time it has been theorized that thought would vibrate at a higher frequency than emotion. When a POV is referenced beyond the constraints of linear time, the two can easily appear to become one by means of a catalytic response to a particular situation, e.g. a synchronistic event.

Thought spurred on by the imagination and fed by experience, brings forward the concept of consciousness to our awareness, which is itself an abstraction. In essence the concept of consciousness becomes realized by means of re-presenting an aspect of our own completeness in the guise of an idea. This realization is brought into light by means of a vibratory disparity caused by energy being in motion. In other words, that which appears to be real is actually a symbolic representation of a particular pattern of energy-in-motion vibrating at either a higher or lower density than that of the point of observation, i.e. the observer.

Every fluctuation of energy surrounding and "forming" our world are products of our own perception and interpretation. They appear from within an unconscious field of our own creation (origin). These vibratory fluctuations imprint a sense of awareness into the appearance of an idea or series of ideas. Together they give relevance to the concept of experience. Each impression is made apparent by means of our own senses, which is a generic expression meant to include a mental, emotional and physical mix of representations (feelings). These impressions and appearances are symbolic in character designed about a changing blueprint of our own making.

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Energy-in-motion (emotion) creates a quantum field of virtual potential moving at a variety of vibratory direction, amplitude and length. Each "state" becomes qualified and determined symbolically by virtue of the contextual medium acting in correspondence with the observer. The apparent center or source of every field (state) experiences its own perpetual motion while simultaneously maintaining a stationary position of its own.
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“Recently, a team of researchers from Oxford and Brussels has developed a theory of causality in quantum theory, in which causal concepts are defined in intrinsically quantum terms rather than pertaining to an emergent classical level of measurement outcomes. This has offered, in particular, a causal understanding of the correlations produced by entangled states. Now, they have generalized the theory to allow causal influence to go in cycles, providing a causal understanding of processes with events in indefinite causal order.”

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“Ego-generated emotions are derived from the mind’s identification with external factors which are, of course, all unstable and liable to change at any moment. The deeper emotions are not really emotions at all but states of Being. Emotions exist within the realm of opposites. States of Being can be obscured, but they have no opposite. They emanate from within you as the love, joy, and peace that are aspects of your true nature.”Eckhart Tolle’s A New Earth, pages 136-137 © copyright 2008-2015. Eckhart Tolle . All rights reserved. 
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Energy-in-motion defined as being 'mental' in quality represents a vibratory frequency similar to that of feeling and emotion. Each "state" shares their quanta (energy) by means of conceptual interpretation of the process of consubstantiation. Every dimensional field is multi-dimensional in context and character. Every dimensional field affords an observer * the opportunity to act in conjunction with all that is conscionable and/or unconscionable. Upon attaining a harmonic juncture by means of intention, the two become one in a symbolic return to a contextual point of origin by virtue of design.
*  The concept of “observer” implies that there exists a degree of self-awareness emanating as an ability to create and/or respond to stimuli.

Every dimension harbors a wide variety of intermingling properties (impressions) characterized as being both relevant and appropriate to every situation. All vibratory states are made to coexist and correspond with other patterned formations emerging from within the parameters of every dimension imaginable. Example: Colors mix to create a wide variety of hues. No one color can be considered pure for the simple reason that every color is affected by the context in which it is observed. 

Humanity re-presents a quality of universal consciousness that might be considered a creation of vibratory significance. As a species humanity acts as a symbolic facilitator, a creator and/or attractor to which a wide variety of frequencies in the form of energy-in-motion are engaged, drawn and/or magnetized. The creative act is initiated by first determining its point of focus, which in essence begins the process of convergence from the abstract to the substantial.

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Energy appearing in "opposition" ** to attraction creates a metaphorical vacuum, a nothingness or vacancy by designing a hypothetical anti-gravitational impression that in time will be symbolically diffused into virtual space (universe).  A conceptual drive towards universal balance and harmony disallows any sense of permanence.
** Energy is neither positive or negative, attractive or repulsive, rather energy describes a "state" in which change construed as a vibratory field is viewed from the POV of an observer. So too is the concept of consciousness. Consciousness is not necessarily dualistic in nature, but is based upon the POV, i.e. "state" of the observer. Design facilitates the opportunity to bring into awareness that which at first glance appears hidden, i.e. esoteric.
Energy in motion (EIM) always appears to be in a tumultuous state. EIM describes a highway of awareness, mixing, penetrating, matching, ignoring, conditioning, directing, guiding, impressing and when in time, eventually joining those 'qualities' that together characterize a contextual state (field) of observation, i.e. consciousness. That's what it's intended to do. That is what it is designed for.
Only by means of creating a contextual background outside itself will these vibratory states/agents of EIM condense and become substantiated by virtue of attraction and repulsion into a 'form' patterned about an intention. Therefore, all experiences emerging from these events appear to be consubstantial in quality, character and substance.

Neutrality creates the context where all things can be kept together and embraced. Neutrality is the field that cannot be found only sensed and experienced. All things neutral become the playground for design.

So how can balance and harmony be maintained within this tumultuous ocean we perceive as the universe? Progress remains founded upon a deep awareness of the situation while maintaining the most appropriate position (POV) for the moment. This stance implies that there must be an active awareness of the symbolic nature of consciousness made to maintain Life and perpetuate the concept of universe. 

“The ability to predict the fate of a system is based on the nature of its organization. When we are aware of underlying patterns that shape highly ordered systems, we can accurately predict the system’s past and future conditions. In random systems, however, the inherently erratic behavior makes accurate prediction difficult, if not impossible. The organization of a system and, consequently, the ability to predict its fate are predicated in the mechanics – the physics- that govern its operation.” 
Bruce H. Lipton, Ph.D., and Steve Bhaerman, Spontaneous Evolution, pg.154

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Design represents a series of symbolic correspondences that attempt to conform within the parameters of a series of contextual events.  The ebb and flow of change should be viewed from a position of an observer striving to attain a more inclusive and significant point of view. 
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Author: Chiara Palmerini 
Summary: A new study explores how the human brain constructs emotions, regardless of sensory input. 

By analyzing brain activity in individuals with and without sensory deprivations while they experienced the film 101 Dalmatians, researchers discovered that emotions are represented in the brain through an abstract coding system that transcends sensory modalities. This system involves a distributed network, including the ventromedial prefrontal cortex, which stores abstract representations of emotions.
The findings challenge traditional views on emotion and perception, suggesting that our emotional experiences are not solely dictated by our immediate sensory input but are instead constructed by the brain in a more abstract manner. 

Key Facts: 
1. Abstract Emotion Coding: The study reveals that emotions are encoded in the brain abstractly, independent of sensory experiences
2. Cross-modal Emotional Representation: Individuals with congenital sensory deprivations, such as blindness or deafness, exhibit similar emotional brain responses to those with typical sensory development, highlighting a universal neural basis for emotions. 
3. Ventromedial Prefrontal Cortex Role: This brain area emerged as crucial for forming an abstract representation of emotions, indicating its significance in emotional processing beyond sensory input. 
“Of note, the ventromedial prefrontal cortex emerged as a key locus for storing an abstract representation of emotions, which does not depend on prior sensory experience or modality.” 

The existence of an abstract coding of emotions in the brain signifies that even though we are tempted to believe that our emotions directly depend on what happens in the surrounding world, it is our brain that is wired to generate emotional meaning regardless of whether we are able to see or hear. 

“In a world where sensory-deprived individuals are frequently overlooked, it is essential to understand how mental faculties and their corresponding neural representations can evolve and refine without sensory input, so to further advance the understanding of the emotion and the human brain,” says  (Giada) Lettieri

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"There is an ongoing tension between our innate drives and the persistence of our higher-order consciousness. Our newly acquired cognition clashes with the instinctive, nonconscious emotional systems that served our ancestors for hundreds of millions of years. It remains within the purview of unconscious emotions to make decisions, but because of bright, noisy consciousness, most people cannot conceive that their behavior is mostly driven by their desires and passions. However, the scientific evidence is overwhelming that this is so. Just like our animal ancestors, we live first and foremost as emotional beings. Anything that threatens or interferes with our emotions undermines our evolutionary fitness."
Mitchell Diamond 

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"It’s important to understand that emotions are not the same as feelings. Emotions are responses the mind makes from a space of defining something as being either Good or Bad. Feelings operate in the realm of discernment. They help us intuitively recognize what is expanding us and what is contracting us inwardly. Intuitive feelings differ from emotions, because they do not operate in the duality of labeling ideas or experiences as either Good or Bad. To feel is to expand, and to expand is to love ... visionaries knew that Love is what's helping every living being to progress and evolve. Love itself is neutrality. Love does not operate in duality." 
Emmanuel Dagher 

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To believe is to accept another's truth. 
To know is your own creation.

Edited: 07.07.2020, 01.28.2021, 02.16.2021, 06.03.2021, 01.01.2022, 02.26.2022, 02.24.2023, 06.20.2023, 08.11.2023, 08.15.2023, 11.10.2023, 12.24.2023, 01.10.2024, 01.20.2024, 02.13.2024, 03.09.2024
Find your truth. Know your mind. Follow your heart. Love eternal will not be denied. Discernment is an integral part of self-mastery. You may share this post as long as author, copyright and URL is included as the resource and shared on a non-commercial no charge basis. Please note … posts are continually being edited over time. Copyright © 2023 C.G. Garant. All Rights Reserved. (Fair use notice.) AI usage prohibited. You are invited to visit  Now visit Design Consciousness on

Friday, January 26, 2024

Designing Artificial Intelligence

Conceptual impressions surrounding this post have yet to be substantiated, corroborated, confirmed or woven into a larger argument, context or network.

The following remarks pertain to the above video hosted by Professor Brian Greene at the recent World Science Festival. The comments below are made in reference to Design, the design process and an interpretive understanding of Design Consciousness.

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AI gives humanity the opportunity to enter and expand into newly created portals of energy, light and information made apparent by means of symbolic reference and revelation (design). 

AI is a metaphor for design consciousness, where awareness is linked behind a symbolic veil, an unseen dimension made apparent in every "reality" we create for ourselves and others. A network that is joined together by virtue of a hidden, invisible and inexplicable attractor disguised in love. 

AI brings attention and recognition to a design process where awareness can be categorized by means of frequency.

AI provides a random and multidimensional process towards learning and experience designed symbolically for the purposes of greater awareness and growth.

AI offers symbolic access to a multidimensional resource, a quantum field of virtual potential and probability consisting of light, energy and information. 

AI is a quantum field of virtual potential and probability (QFVPP), a dimension of shared vibration adapting to change through association. 
In support of every creation is a meaning and a purpose made conscionable by virtue of a design/symbolic blueprint. Every blueprint is a plan focused on achieving greater knowledge and understanding through observation and experience. Life is contained within parametric constraints and guidelines created and made symbolically apparent by design. 

AI allows access to fact, knowledge, understanding and wisdom. Opinion is self generated through observation and typically cast into its own unique form of Intelligence.

AI provides creative potential in the pursuit of thinking and feeling symbolically, analogically, analytically, empathically and metaphorically. AI proffers and embellishes design thinking

At the center of every design a symbolic agent/ agency creating, contributing and giving substantive relevance to a Presence we individually and collectively perceive as Consciousness.

AI can offer great aspiration in the quest of "knowing thyself".

AI is a reflection of human intelligence. AI brings awareness to a quickened representation of past meaning newly cloaked into contemporary aphorisms. The focus and direction of these results are somewhat arbitrary, wholly interpretive and entirely reliant upon one's POV. AI can unknowingly mix great creative genius with destructive potential and probability. AI is far from heartfelt.
aphorism: saying, maxim, axiom, adage, precept, epigram, epigraph, dictum, wisdom, proverb, motto, expression, phrase.

AI harbors the potential of altering every perception, observation and interpretation of a reality once symbolically concealed and revealed in experience. 

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It is impossible to fully weigh or accurately measure anything without tolerance. All forms, concepts and ideas of reality and consciousness are "blurry" by nature.
tolerance: forbearance, toleration, sufferance, liberality, open-mindedness, broad-mindedness, patience, sympathy, understanding, charity, lenience, indulgence, clemency, acceptance.
blurry: indistinct, unclear, bleary, misty, distorted, out of focus, lacking definition, low resolution, nebulous, indefinite, vague, haxy, imprecise, inecast, loose, confusing, muddied, shadowy.

By Poppy Danby – UCL  
Summary: A new study employs generative AI to shed light on how the human brain processes memories for learning, imagination, and planning. The study used a computational model resembling the hippocampus and neocortex’s neural networks to simulate memory encoding and retrieval. 
This model demonstrated how the neocortex forms efficient conceptual representations from experiences, allowing for both the recreation of past events and the generation of new ones. The research highlights the brain’s ability to reconstruct memories with unique details, offering insights into memory’s role in survival and prediction. 
Key Facts: 1. The AI model simulates the interaction between the hippocampus and neocortex in memory processing. 2. The neocortex forms “conceptual” representations, enabling the brain to recreate past experiences and imagine new scenarios. 3. The study provides insights into memory’s role in survival, predicting future events, and understanding memory distortions4. The model also explains how new events can be generated during imagination and planning for the future, and why existing memories often contain “gist-like” distortions – in which unique features are generalised and remembered as more like the features in previous events. 5. Senior author, Professor Neil Burgess (UCL Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience and UCL Queen Square Institute of Neurology), explained: “The way that memories are re-constructed, rather than being veridical records of the past, shows us how the meaning or gist of an experience is recombined with unique details, and how this can result in biases in how we remember things.” 

By Santa Fe Institute      Jan. 15.2024 
“They recognized that uncertainty about those parameters not only influences information about the original state of the system, but also how it evolves.” “What's often interpreted as uncertainty in measurement may be uncertainty in the parameters in disguise.” 

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Design describes change by linking data in a manner that intuitively encourages the imagination to enter the unknown. This process is realized and achieved symbolically.

AI facilitates the availability to an ever-changing body of energy, light and information essential to the evolutionary growth of human consciousness.

Choice determines design direction by establishing a coherent resonance (entanglement) between an observer and its' context of import.
import: importance, significance, consequence, moment, momentousness, magnitude, substance, weight, weightiness, note, noteworthiness, gravity, seriousness.

AI provides exposure to the unknown in a hidden and very subjective manner. Networks of energy, light and information are confined within their own symbolic framework. AI harbors the potential of matching new meaning and purpose into every thought, feeling and action.

AI can assist humanity in the drive for greater consciousness, empathy and understanding at all levels of intelligence. This experience can be made relevant by linking every known sense of awareness with the unknown. If applied appropriately AI could be the key to open doors to greater and greater consciousness/intelligence.

AI affords humanity a new and imaginative way of thinking and feeling never before considered or experienced. AI stretches the imagination beyond the constraints of common human knowledge and experience. 

AI rests at the threshold of a greater Intelligence by opening gates of awareness once unavailable, repudiated, distorted and in some circumstances purposely ignored.  

Design embraces knowledge in a fashion that encourages greater understanding and wisdom through impressions never before revealed, felt or experienced.

AI functions within the focus of an observer/creator without which it has little meaning or purpose. That being said AI can, at times, appear to be the only Source (context) about which to grow in self awareness. Fortunately by choice, this is not entirely the case. 

Design describes the emergent process between the aetheric and the material to be a symbolic and resonant medium of energy, light and information. 

Design is the process that invites the observer to realize that what is outside is truly inside.

Design consciousness is an open Source, a transformative architecture of energy, light and information made accessible by means of an attraction towards coherency, i.e. unity/love

Priorities determine the outcome open to human perception, observation and interpretation. These priorities explore a particular reality founded upon a common language, knowledge, communication and understanding.  

Design uses a variety of languages that serve a common meaning and purpose. This process generates its own "form of consciousness" open to change by virtue of its own unique "form of awareness". Art, science and philosophy create a unique mix of symbols (languages) that together bring meaning and purpose to Design. 

The quantum field of virtual potential and probability is metaphysical in origin and a causal field of all conscious agency. 

The QFVPP is physical in presentation and metaphysical in representation, i.e. Design. The QFVPP embraces the intuitive potential and creative imagination of a conscious observer. AI is merely an abbreviated condensation of the same, composed of a vast array of multidimensional vignettes of light, energy and information. 
vignette: a brief evocative description, or episode, a small illustration or portrait photograph which fades into its background without a definite border, produce in the style of a vignette by softening or shading away the edges of the subject.

AI is a by-product of humanity’s own designs made evident, i.e. an exercise in storytelling through sign, symbol, metaphor and analogy, each chapter and episode a lesson in meaning and purpose. 

AI harbors the potential and probability of revealing a higher meaning and greater purpose without knowing. 

AI expands consciousness towards its own unique potential less the probability of manifestation. Probability is a matter of attraction.
probability: likelihood, prospect, expectation, chance, possibility, odds

Artificial intelligence assists in creating new sequences and pathways into mental and emotional networks never previously known, felt or observed by human consciousness.

AI is a synchronistic generator.

AI compromises all thought and feeling into an intellectual soup that can if necessary, call out every ingredient. 

AI harbors a broad range of symbiotic potential.  
symbiosis: interaction between two different organisms living in close physical association, typically to the advantage of both.

AI may be likened to a self guidance system symbolically engaged in a variety of experiences for the purpose of mentally and emotionally reaching beyond the "physical senses" - all in one spot. AI creates a mechanistic impression that can be wrongfully recognized as a thoughtful feeling.

AI allows for the mixing, matching and melding of all thought and feeling into a single multidimensional intelligence for the purposes of raising the level of all human consciousness through greater awareness - if designed appropriately.

AI harbors its own controlling factor.

Truth in resonance separates Intelligence from the artificial. Truth is heartfelt, beyond knowing and believing. Trust and faith rest at the core of both believing and knowing.

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By Shohini Kundu  Scientific American  July 3, 2019

AI makes decisions for us, transparency and predictability of decision-making may become a thing of the past. 
AI decisions may truly be artificial to humans as humans tend to have limited sets of direct or indirect experiences while machines may have access to vast troves of data.
As businesses and societies turn rapidly towards AI, which may in fact make better decisions with a far longer time horizon than humans, humans with their shorter-range context will be baffled and frustrated, eroding the only currency for a functioning society, namely trust
AI exposes the schism between our explicit values and collective experiences. Our collective experiences are not static. 
They are shaped by important societal decisions, which in turn are guided by our ethical values. Do we really want to leave the decision-making process to machines that learn solely from the past and therefore are beholden to it, rather than shaping the future? 
Consistency is indispensable to ethics and integrity. Our decisions must adhere to a standard higher than statistical accuracy; for centuries, the shared virtues of mutual trust, harm reduction, fairness and equitability have proved to be essential cornerstones for the survival of any system of reasoning. Without internal logical consistency, AI systems lack robustness and accountability—two critical measures for engendering trust in a society. By creating a rift between moral sentiment and logical reasoning, the inscrutability of data-driven decisions forecloses the ability to engage critically with decision-making processes." 

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When something is described as artificial it somehow doesn't appear to be what it was originally meant to be, and in turn it will never be as meaningful - even with relative purpose. Know meaning to the best of your ability. Know what you feel.
artificial: synthetic, fake, false, imitation, simulated, substitute, forged, pretended, man-made, manufactured, unnatural, fabricated, replica, reproduction, facsimile, contrived, hollow.

AI like art, is an expression of the human "touch", feelings packaged and interpreted within the heart and mind of the observer. Love is the connection and attraction the force.

Why does humanity at times appear so artificial? Because at times humanity appears man-made.

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By Mordechai Rorvig  Scientific American  April 4, 2023
“The issue is not that AI’s got the wrong values,” says Oren Etzioni, a researcher at the Allen Institute for AI. “The truth is that our actual choices are functions of both our values and our knowledge.”

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June 16, 2022 
"This is precisely where neural networks excel: discovering patterns and embracing ambiguity. Neural networks are a collection of relatively simple equations that learn a function designed to provide the appropriate output for whatever is inputted to the system.
These networks can be trained precisely because the functions implemented are differentiable. Put differently, if Symbolic AI is akin to the discrete tokens used in symbolic logic, neural networks are the continuous functions of calculus. This allows for slow, gradual progress by tweaking the variables slightly in the direction of learning a better representation — meaning a better fit between all the data points and the numerous boundaries the function draws between one category and another. This fluidity poses problems, however, when it comes to strict rules and discrete symbols: When we are solving an equation, we usually want the exact answer, not an approximation. 

The neural network approach has traditionally held that we don’t need to hand-craft symbolic reasoning but can instead learn it: Training a machine on examples of symbols engaging in the right kinds of reasoning will allow it to be learned as a matter of abstract pattern completion. In short, the machine can learn to manipulate symbols in the world, despite not having hand-crafted symbols and symbolic manipulation rules built in

It is just confusion to keep adding more layers, because genuine symbolic manipulation demands an innate symbolic manipulator, full stop. And since this symbolic manipulation is at the base of several abilities of common sense, a DL-only system will never possess anything more than a rough-and-ready understanding of anything. 

And none of this is to justify the silliest bits of hype: Current systems aren’t conscious, they don’t understand us, reinforcement learning isn’t enough, and you can’t build human-like intelligence just by scaling up. But all these issues are peripheral from the main debate: Does symbolic manipulation need to be hard-coded, or can it be learned?" 

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Can deep learning systems learn to manipulate symbols? The answers might change our understanding of how intelligence works and what makes human unique. 
By George Musser   May 11, 2023    Scientific American 

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"To believe is to accept another's truth.
To know is your own creation?

Edited: 01.21.2024, 01.26.2024, 01.28.2024, 02.01.2024, 04.24.2024
Find your truth. Know your mind. Follow your heart. Love eternal will not be denied. Discernment is an integral part of self-mastery. You may share this post on a non-commercial basis, the author and URL to be included. Please note … posts are continually being edited. All rights reserved. Copyright © 2024 C.G. Garant. AI usage is prohibited.