Monday, July 4, 2022


Conceptual impressions surrounding this post have yet to be substantiated, corroborated, confirmed or woven into a larger argument, context or network.

What is the quantum field of virtual potential and probability (QFVPP)?

The quantum field of virtual potential and probability is a virtual field of energy, light and information made conscious, aware and apparent by means of symbolic representation (design), The QFVPP is characterized by the relative "form" of a particle, wave and/or force, i.e. impression.

Projections of self cannot escape the parametric bubble that contains the symbolic field of its own creation, i.e. reality.

Projections of energy in motion (CE) resonate from within only to return to their source in the form of symbolic reflections of its own design.

The imagination embraces the potential to expand beyond constraint, condition and/or limitation. Design is the language that allows it to do so.


Spacetime is conceptual in nature and can be categorized into a context of one's own liking. The higher the contextual frequency the lesser its density, the lower the contextual density the closer to pattern, form, and substantiation. Low frequencies hover around matter, higher frequencies challenge the subconscious to caress a time that moves timelessly.

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The Universe can be conveyed both as energy and change. Change/energy takes the form of an energy in motion and moves in an omnidirectional and unpredictable manner. Change/energy is synonymous with Light and be perceived, observed and measured both in the "form" of a particle and wave. Within this context, i.e. Universe, formations emerge consubstantially as "fields of aetheric energy in motion" that attract, repel and deconstruct within the parameters of time. 

Change/Energy (CE) draws reference to the symbolic qualities of an unknown aetheric source both in an inductive and deductive manner. 

Change/Energy encapsulates the tangible and intangible dynamics that surround every event and experience.

Change/Energy can be simultaneously perceived and interpreted in a symbolic and concurrent fashion. 

Change/Energy defines the moment by revealing the dynamics between the observer and the context in which an event or experience appears. All forms of revelation are symbolic in character and quality. 

Energy in motion (EIM) describes a quantum (aetheric) field of virtual potential and probability (QFVPP) that is essential in qualifying and quantifying its properties in the form of change (wave) and energy (particle). Change/Energy describes a moment in three dimensional space and dimensionless time by means of observation and awareness, i.e. a designed consciousness.

What seems incomprehensible lacks resonance. You'll become aware once your own consciousness resonates with you.

When measured, the concept of change/energy gives precedence to only what is perceived and observed. Consequently, change/energy can become widely categorized within the dualistic framework of spacetime. 

Design symbolically describes the translation and transformation of change/energy, i.e. (EIM), from one "state" of constant change to another. 

* * *

The Universe implies multidimensionality. The Universe is categorized by means of design, i.e. concepts, ideas and creations made symbolically apparent by virtue of observation. A dualistic framework "materializes" as result of the symbolic relationship between the concepts of space and time, Yin and Yang 

space = Yin
time = Yang
energy = Yin
change = Yang

" Universe is thus the total web spun by all generalized principles and their interaction. As rules without exception, they are necessarily "interaaccommodative." Fuller's terminology takes some getting used to: "eternally regenerative Universe" is an ongoing even governed by "the omni-interaccommodative complex of unique and eternal generalized principles,"

* * *

A perceiver sees the forest. The observer sees the trees. A designer perceives both observing the other.

Consciousness interprets what is being sensed by means of focus, intent and desire. Design symbolically translates and transforms what is "sensed" by means of focus, intent and desire. Creativity substantiates the design process.

Spacetime frames the concept of consciousness as energy and change in motion. 

Wholeness brings unity to its own diversity.

In context, change sustains the stream of Life in the form of an energy in motion triggering its own form of turbulence wherever it goes. Turbulence instant in effect and sweeping in affect.

“One important idea is symmetry between electric and magnetic fields. This is called electric-magnetic duality, and was pioneered in the 1970s by Peter Goddard (current Director of the Institute), Jean Nuyts, and David Olive (all former IAS Members).” 

* * *

The subconscious can be found by means of the imagination where all senses mix, and feelings (by virtue of emotion EIM) float and blend within the depths of a greater ocean of consciousness (QFVPP).

Design strives to make "sense" out of the imagination by entering the subconscious state between awareness and sleep in a symbolic fashion. 

“Creative minds have used hypnagogia as a source of inspiration for centuries. When the 19th century chemist Friedrich August Kekule struggled to imagine the structure of the chemical compound benzene, he felt himself dozing off and suddenly visualized the classic ouroboros (an ancient symbol depicting a serpent or dragon eating its own tail) as a series of molecules made out of snakes, each one swallowing the tail of the next snake. The dream inspired him to imagine what the six-membered ring of carbon atoms looked like.” 

Hypnagogia is marked by a high level of both alpha and theta brainwaves. As we begin to fall asleep, the brain moves from a prevalence of relaxing alpha waves to drowsy theta waves, but this fluctuation means that no single type of brain wave is dominant during hypnagogia. This synergy in neural activity causes a state of threshold consciousness, where an individual feels “half-asleep” or “half-awake,” and is making the transition from wakefulness towards sleep. 

So what does hypnagogia have to do with creativity? During hypnagogia, says Barrett, the prefrontal areas of the brain are less active. The lack of beta waves combined with this decrease in prefrontal activity creates less censorship from the mind, she believes, and more freely allows intense sounds and imagery to be imagined by the individual. 

"Hypnagogia is the shortest path for communication from our subconscious,” says Marques-Bonham. “Your subconscious mind might send you solutions through imagery or other sensations.” She likens this to an “aha!” moment, like Archimedes’ famed “Eureka!” realization. 

“These transitional states and even dreams are a little bit beyond our rational control, but we can create a climate for them,” says Stanley Krippner, a psychologist based at Saybrook University in San Francisco. “One’s dream-life has a life of its own, but hypnagogia might be more amenable to some kind of patterned control.” Krippner is quick to emphasize that using hypnagogia to promote creativity requires an individual to define creativity itself. He personally believes creativity has two different aspects: “It’s bringing something new for the world, be it globally, a small community, or even just an individual’s own world; and it has to be useful in some capacity.” In other words, there must be a utilitarian aspect to those creative thoughts, or else they are simply just random firings of the brain; mysterious and exciting to talk to about, but ultimately of no consequence."

Hypnagogia: The Trippy Mental State That is the Key to Deep Self-Discovery 
What is Hypnagogia, the State Between Wakefulness and Sleep? 
What do. Trippy Half-Awake Dreams Really Mean? 

Edited: 07.04.2022, 07.18.2022, 07.25.2022, 08.20.2022, 09.06.2022, 12.29.2022, 02.11.2023, 02.26.2023, 04.22.2023
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