Sunday, January 12, 2020

Design's Emergence

Conceptual impressions surrounding this post are yet to be substantiated, corroborated, confirmed or woven into a larger argument or network.

We are in the midst of a time when the concept of design takes on a new definition, a new meaning and a new purpose. It is time for design change. Design is slowly being reconfigured and recalibrated for purposes that will make itself known in a fashion never before imagined. Key to this design emergence is that it will take affect whether you're conscious of it or not. 

Listen and you will hear that which originates from within. Be purposely absorbed and meaningfully engaged in every thought and feeling. Impressions appear as patterns of energy symbolically packaged into forms of conceptual and volumetric arrangement. Events and experiences harbor more energy, light and information than ever before.  You'll no longer need an intermediate interpretation of what you know you sense, feel or believe. Former belief systems will no longer meet their purpose and no longer embody the meaning for which they were intended. 

The full meaning and purpose in support of "evolution" has been guided by the efforts of certain belief systems designed to create a balanced transition, transformation and manifestation of awareness from the realm of the unconscious to that of the conscious. These methodologies are no longer appropriate. By means of control, imposition, deterrence and restriction, true freedom of choice remains impeded, restrained and stonewalled. Personal/global/galactic evolution is changing beyond the scale of human comprehension and understanding.

Over time a wide variety of energy patterns, i.e. belief systems, have made their impression upon our consciousness. Generation after generation has responded to human evolution by means of implementing a series of cyclically regressive systems and actions purposely obstructing the progress of human consciousness through awareness. Collective comprehension and understanding has been muddied by the perceptions and actions of a few to define, describe and categorize the concept of reality to others. We have allowed certain belief systems to determine what is real and what is not. Current belief systems no longer support the quest for Truth, Beauty and Goodness, but rather mislead through lies and distortion.

The language of design is symbolic in character and nature. Design brings forward the realization that we each exhibit and create a truly unique feature of Reality unmatched in the Universe. Guidance and direction are hidden in design's signs, symbols, analogies and metaphors. Nature is forever communicating to us in its own intimate way by means of design. Every vibration has been purposely and meaningfully designed at a scale that resonates beyond the parameters of its own field of origin. 

Note: That which has been characteristically described as being quantum in character represents the next challenge in the symbolic expansion/evolution of human consciousness. Past rules no longer apply. Introspection requires greater knowing. Introspection and contemplation is mandatory if any growth in consciousness is to be gained and experienced. Certain qualities and attributes take priority and need to be made apparent and purposely exercised, if further evolutionary experiences are to be engaged. Choice continues to expand while meaningfully and purposefully redesigning the concept of change. 

That to which you are listening and speaking to is you. The symbolic language in which this conversation is founded embraces and enhances the vibratory patterns to which you resonate. Patterns of energy appearing before you have been designed by you, solely for the purpose of exercising your most appropriate, i.e. meaningful and purposeful choice.  The design process guides you through Life's highs and lows.

Design and the design process is a natural occurring event. We encounter design in all that we experience every day and every night. Design arrives in the form of an impressionable package of feeling, sensing and knowing often described as the intuition

Design is both meaningful and purposeful. It guides and directs our decisions, motivations, actions and desires. Design will often appear to be hidden behind a veil of ignorance and unknowing, i.e. barriers, we've created for ourselves due to lack of knowledge, awareness, desire and intention. 

Design is the process in which you co-create your reality. It is the system by which all, i.e. Life, can be known, felt, described and created. Design links the known with the unknown thereby creating a bridge between the tangible (form) and the intangible (formlessness). 

Design embraces the unspoken word.

"To believe is to accept another's truth. To know is your own creation."

You are the creator of your own bridge, designed in the form of a personal language of symbols that allow you to cross over and return at your leisure … if you so choose. Your ability to absorb the symbolic events encountered in every experience contributes to an evolutionary process designed and created for a meaningful and purposeful expansion of consciousness.

Design is intuitive by nature. Design is innately known and felt both consciously (externally) and subconsciously (internally). Together these impressions represent a broad range of choices. In this fashion design mimics the multidimensional encounters prevalent in a quantum environment where everything changes. 

Design supports us in the process of choosing and determining goals and objectives. Design brings meaning and purpose to every event and experience and order to disorder. 

You are sensitive to certain vibrations in Life simply because you resonate to them. You are contained and embodied in what you respond to and create. Joy and happiness react to the concepts of balance and harmony. You exhibit and are aligned to certain Life forces that move and motivate you. Your consciousness is maintained within the borders of a number of belief systems that together mold and establish your POV. 

Belief systems can be rigid, static, inflexible and unstable. Ideas supporting these beliefs systems are no longer meaningful, purposeful or functional. Dysfunctional systems are dependent upon inflexible laws stemming from interpretations designed to assign power to the relatively few. 

Any expansion of consciousness requires true discernment concerning one's thoughts and feelings.

Design permeates all that we might learn, know or feel while experiencing Life. Design allows us to communicate, oversee, create and appreciate Life.  

Life’s design processes are made observable by means of a synchronistic event or series of events that bring light to awareness by virtue of it being perceived both as a conscious and subconscious event. Based upon the concept of resonance, every synchronistic event likewise describes a numinous experience that bridges the known (conscious) and the unknown (unconscious).  

The unconscious is dependent upon the symbolic vocabulary stored within the subconscious in order to be revealed. 

This is a communication between that which you know and that which you don’t know, a clue into the workings of how you are both meaningfully and purposely connected to both your inner and outer interpretations of reality. Synchronicities reveal a specific relationship brought forward and into awareness by means of a symbolic event. A synchronistic event brings enlightenment to awareness by purposely directing its attention/focus towards a certain facet of your reality.

The subconscious speaks to you symbolically by virtue of your intuition (mind+emotions). Design by means of symbol and metaphor, creates a personal language only you can understand and translate into concepts, ideas, forms and actions. At this level you come into direct communication with your Self. No one will be able to entirely understanding your feelings, thoughts, impressions and/or your most intimate points of view ... nor should they be. The mere awareness of this fact demonstrates the need for humanity to create a more encompassing/personal language of symbolic importance and clarity. We all function within similar archetypal patterns consistent with a Life experience harbored within the parameters of 3D space/time. 

We live in an extremely complex universe designed to respond to what we think, say, do and create. Synchronicities signs/signals stemming from the unconscious and appearing in response to what we are experiencing in the moment. Over the ages religions have designed comparable patterns of energy into morphological gods and goddesses without fully succumbing to the fact that Life is a collective cluster of vibratory impulses designed from the impressions sustained while experiencing perpetual and tumultuous motion. The Cosmos has been designed. The Cosmos  is an example of the primary design function of creating unity out of chaos. Forms of energy bring order to this chaos by means of the Design Archetype. 

This multidimensional Life force is made apparent by means of a number of unimaginable fields, patterns and formations of energy reflecting upon the desires supporting every design intention. The Universe is part and parcel of a network of universes, galaxies, solar systems and planetary incubations/ideas that together function under the umbrella of a Design Consciousness that cannot be fully described or defined, i.e. the Tao.

There appears to be a multidimensional Source that lies at the core of all that can be experienced. This Source of Life reaches beyond human comprehension and/or understanding when viewed, observed or perceived as being separate from the energy (field) originating from its center. It is difficult to comprehend the concept of infinity when Life lines are projected from within and beyond the constraints of knowing and not knowing, as demonstrated within the parameters of human consciousness. You soon become to realize that your own consciousness is but part of a network of energy in motion, perpetual change in which you actively participate. This realization alters the concept of infinity in terms of scale and magnitude.  

Life is constantly changing so as to purposely remain indeterminate by means of its own action/creation and design.

The desire to understand the concepts of meaning and purpose is typically at odds to our understanding of how these impressions contribute to the concept of design altogether. We each participate in a system/network of awareness' made real/apparent by means of our mind, feelings and sensual input/output. Awareness/Consciousness appears united by means of a system of symbolic enterprises/processes that together create order out of chaos. Many have described the path leading to the creation of this common Source as the Tao. Design assists in that journey through a symbolic process substantiating the realization that Truth, Beauty and Goodness might never be fully understood only experienced. 

These communicative events have the potential to go far beyond the parameters of every agent participating in the journey. Of course, the process is a symbolic exercise dependent upon specific contexts where realizations can be made conscionable. Consider for example the relationships between the galactic, solar, planetary, human, animal and the biochemical systems that together contribute to the forces of Nature/Earth. 

Every agent of consciousness harbors the potential for sharing a common direction/vibration for a variety of reasons. These potentials are based upon certain frequencies of vibratory significance due to their ability to make quantum leaps between representative octaves of symbolic importance. Each note is the extension of a common chord expanding in frequency about a vibratory source, aka its event horizon, center point, position. 

In reference to our POV these relationships might be considered as appearing to be "electric like" in quality and description. These relationships are extensions, i.e. supplementary projections that are enlarged about a series of energy, light and informational "sources". "Magnetic like" fields surrounding these vibratory projections, i.e. ideas, harbor all that is attracted to their vibratory frequency/energy, strength and light. This is part and parcel of a design process geared towards attracting vibratory impulses that when appropriately linked/associated, increase the potential of becoming substantiated, i.e. made real. Some links reach far beyond the mundane realms of the Earth plane (3d space/time) while simultaneously vibrating within the spectrum of other adjacent dimensions symbolizing/describing a much broader definition of form. (Please consider this phenomenon closely when pondering upon the origin of all "things" appearing both solid and transparent.

Be assured you will not discover all the answers to your inquiries here. Continue to investigate into your role as observer, participator and creator in a design of your own making. Be aware of the by-products and outcomes that surround your every choice and decision.

Edited: 11.02.2019, 12.19.2019, 01.15.2020, 01.26.2020, 03.06.2020, 04.02.2021, 06.28.2021, 01.19.2022, 01.30.2022, 03.25.2022, 09.04.2022, 04.28.2023
Find your truth. Know your mind. Follow your heart. Love eternal will not be denied. Discernment is an integral part of self-mastery. You may share this post as long as author, copyright and URL is included as the resource and shared on a non-commercial no charge basis. Please note … posts are continually being edited over time. Copyright © 2006 -2022 C.G. Garant. All Rights Reserved. (Fair use notice) You are also invited to visit  and URL and

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