On Education
“ … when beauty is sacrificed to utility in the hearts of men, existence becomes but a ghastly travesty. Not to kill out idealism but to make the world safe for idealism is the true purpose of education”
“Only the highest types of men have the intelligence, the independence, the honesty and the courage to admit their errors and to seek without bias for truth.” Artistotle
“The tools indispensable to the race are the higher aspects of philosophy – aesthetics, ethics and metaphysics. For what shall it profit a man to become the most skilled of artisans, if his hand is not apprentice to a creative vision? Education means the release of ideals and the determination of spiritual values.”
Concerning science: “It looks very much as though the testimony of the senses is very accurate when it agrees with our foregone conclusions, but very “unreliable” when it convicts us of inconsistency.”
“Science does not teach men veneration for beauty, love of good, faith in right or strength in virtue.”
Story: The college man drew a small circle in the sand and said, “This is what an Indian knows.” The red man nodded gravely. The conceited white man then drew a larger circle around the smaller one saying, “And this, my fellow, is what the white man knows.” The Indian was silent for a moment. Then taking a stick, drew still a larger circle around the other two and expressed his feelings. And in this third circle red man and white man both fools.”
“The most dangerous of fools is the educated fool, for wise in his own conceits he is an ever-present obstacle to progress. Materialism is a fad of the mob, not a fact demonstrable by scientific procedure. Every person of sound mind and body has within himself some small measure of idealism. He/she will naturally love the beautiful, venerate the good and be moved to the recognition of a Supreme Intelligence directing universal procedure. If these natural emotions be nurtured and encouraged, the individual will become a useful citizen and a constructive factor in the progress of civilization.”
“Universally revered by the learned of antiquity, the human body was accepted as a miniature of the universe and the most proper subject for mortal contemplation. The philosophy of anatomy reached a degree of perfection in China, India, and spread to Egypt, Chaldea and Greece. The Pythagoreans, Platonist, Neo-Platonist, and the Gnostics”.
“Metaphysics enriched by the wisdom of fifty millennia, is not wedded to theological controversies, but does perceive dimly through the veil of substance the working of cast forces only discoverable when intellect is quickened by understanding.”
“ … humanity is a product of universal law releasing itself through a concatenation of evolving organisms. Humanity is a microcosm by heredity. It is the progeny of substance in motion. The universe is the cause of humanity and if like produces like, humanity cannot be other than a universe. Environment may modify but cannot destroy the universal aspects of humanity.”
“To the ancients, the conquest of body or the environment was self-discipline. When a person wisely directs the forces of life to a legitimate end, they best protect the commonwealth and preserves ones own integrity”.
“We must depend upon our senses for the accumulation of impressions from which knowledge and experiences are acquired. Must increase the capacity of the mind. Only that which is capable of assimilating contributes to the well-being of the mind”.
“Instead of bringing man up to learning (in reference to the Mystery schools of the past) it has brought learning down to man. Learning divided from itself (science) and entered upon a course of competitive speculation.”
“Cabalists, Hermetists, alchemist, Rosicrucians, Templars over time the gulf widened between physical and spiritual scientists. Certainties vanished and uncertainties multiplied until only theories remained. Learning has been divided into provinces with each part flouting its independence”.
“Generosity is the criterion of true greatness, tolerance the measure of true vision.”
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“Humanity is the symbol (design) of a nobler purpose, the evidence of a higher destiny. The mortality of the intellect, if touched by the radian finger of true enlightenment, is transformed. By the alchemy of realization humanity achieves immortality.
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“The wise man will not forget the alchemical axiom that art may complement nature but must never violate her edicts. To venerate realities is to be wise; to recognize the simple dignity of divine procedure is to establish the mind in essential truth.”
“Modern learning has for its chief aim the perpetuation of the social order. Ancient learning on the other hand, sought the perfection of the individual. Aesthetics may be regarded as incidental by the realist, yet knowledge had its beginnings among those peoples enriched by highly developed metaphysical systems, as the Hindus, Chinese, Egyptians and Greeks. Science was yet divorced from sacred orders and hence education was a balanced instruction in both physical and spiritual values.”
“The man who first taught the chemistry of the human body was an alchemist Jan Baptista van Helmont. Sir Francis Bacon was influenced by the writings of Peracelsus. Roger Bacon, the Franciscan monk, was an alchemist. Gale, Ptolemy, Robert Fludd, Sir Isaac Newton defended astrology, Pythagoras, Kepler and Tycho Brahe accepted the scientific integrity of astrology. All came from idealists and mystics all devotees to the theurgic and mystic arts”
On Early Universal Orders
“Anatomy and physiology were cultivated as divine sciences and studied not for themselves, but as aspects of sacred learning and keys to the heavenly Arcanum”
“Pythagoras declared that the Universal Creator had fashioned two bodies in his own image. First was the Cosmos with its suns and moons and planets the second was man in whose internal parts was reflected the entire universe.”
On Law of Correspondences:
“Gradually through the ages of research the initiates of the various Mystery schools contributed a mass of details to the fundamental principles set forth by the first philosophers, and by the time Egypt had reached the crowning glory of her civilization the manikin of microcosm was a mass of intricate hieroglyphics and symbolic figures, each with a secret meaning reserved for the elect.”
“Those initiated into the Mysteries became themselves, in turn, embodiments of the sacred truths.”
“With idolatry the Mysteries decayed from within, The profane sat in the seats of wisdom, wars destroyed old orders and light swallowed up in the darkness.”
“The Philosophical androgyene … Plato declared that male and female are but the halves of a primitive androgyne which once existed as a separate type, but was afterwards divided into kinds and thus lost its identity in its progeny.”
“Plato then goes on to explain the origin of the three kinds of beings saying “the males were formed by the Sun; the females by the Earth and the mixed race of Androgyne by the Moon, which partakes both of the Sun and the Earth.”
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The Sun is symbolic of the spirit and gods and or divinities; female that of matter and of mankind, the matrix, the negative creation; the moon represents the soul or mind the middle race the heroes or demigods who partake in both qualities. The intellect is the link between inferiors and superiors and the equilibrium uniting the virtues of both extremes.”
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“The soul will eventually be unified with the body resulting in what may be termed the ultimate type – the true androgyne the man who is fashioned like his Father in heaven.” The mystery gods of Serapis, Dionysius, Baphomet, the bearded Venus (Greeks and Latins)”.
“Pythagorean initiates divided the universe into three parts the Supreme, the Superior and the inferior worlds. Supreme world (which consists of all others which consists of a single divine essence) called the Deity without beginning and end, single essence) the superior world, the divine exemplars are divinities removed from the first cause the heroes, sons of earth, Inferior World contained within both others, angels, gods and demons. Overseers and guardians of things generate and corruptible assigned to take care of bodies. Corresponds with the physical universe, home of mortal spirits or rather temporary domiciled of spirits in the state of mortality.”
“From these doctrines the primitive Christian Church derived their opinions concerning the departments of the Cosmos Three crowns of the papal tiara spiritual sphere, temporal sphere, purgatorial sphere. Those informed upon such subjects realized that heaven earth and hell to be qualities or conditions of being by which the One Life expressing itself throughly phases or aspects.”
“The three faces of deity, the Trinity of Unity, Consciousness, Intelligence and Force, To man the three major divisions of his composite nature spirit, soul (mind) and body. The trinity in man was believed to reside in the three great cavities of the body. Brahma in the heart, Vishnu in the brain and Shiva in the generative system with each a threefold purpose the creative, preservative and the disintegrative aspects.”
“Robert Fludd … the head is the highest part of the physical frame and represents the highest part of the universe, the heart is the noblest organ of the body and is therefore the true “head” in man and the actual source of all inspiration and truth. The cranium is but the outer bodily symbol of the heart. Thus the highest part of the physical structure becomes analogous to the most spiritual organ, which is the “highest part of man. In the universe Deity is presumed to dwell in the furthermost and upper most parts, but the philosophers understand His true abode to be in the heart of man, than which is no higher place.”
“Fludd attempted to portray the correspondences between man and the world and also the harmonic structure of each the Greater Man, the Heavenly Man, etc.”
On the Microcosm and the Macrocosm
“Both words signify wholeness. Signifies between two constitutions a vast Monad and smaller monad similar in design, less in quantity and contained within the larger organism.” Leibnitzian Theory, Leucippus and Democritus”.
“Pythagorus: Wholes are not composed of parts, fractions, but rather lesser “wholes”. Every atom is a wholeness bearing within it the stamp and signature of the whole world, every grain of sand an image of the universe.”
“Ancients use this correlation to justify their thinking comparing planets to humans, humans and the animals, the image of God. All is in the all: Rosicrucians. Freemasonry secret doctrine, Dionysiac Architects”.
“Each micro is a seed that under certain conditions has potential to release the whole world … impulses of the Macro communicated to the micro and visa versa creating close relationship”.
“Any impulse conveyed to the Macrocosm (or greater part) is communicated ultimately to all the microcosms dependent from that Macrocosm. Any change in the whole is also reflected in all its aspects, which we call the “parts”.
“Examples: candle in the center of a room walls composed of small mirrors of light take on the appearance of many lights, any change in the flame similar change too in the reflections. The basis for the sympathies between cause and their effects taught by the learned Hindus, Chinese, Egyptians. Chaldeans. Hebrews. Greeks. Moses , pythagorus, plato, Aristotle, cabalists, Neo Platonists.”
“The spirit is man’s real self and his self is his Macrocosm – his vaster part. Man searching for his god is matter seeking its own source. The greek alpha (a) was the symbol of the macrocosm and the Omega (o) of the microcosm”.
“Plato says mortal things find their entrance and immortal things their existence. Food and drink enters mouth and from it words are said. Squaring the circle .. the answer to all riddles is man himself. St. Andrews cross the X the crucified cross”.
“The soul is the mediator between intellect and phenomenal existence. Human body is divisible by three and 7 sidereal diffusion in harmony”.
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Edited: 12.01.2023, 12.14.2024
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