Saturday, June 25, 2022

Trust is Believing

Conceptual impressions surrounding this post have yet to be substantiated, corroborated, confirmed or woven into a larger argument or network.

The design paradigm is based upon the premise that consciousness is both the product and the source of a vibratory universe. 

Is Seeing Believing? How Neural Oscillations Influence Our Conscious Experience  
"A research group from the University of Bologna discovered the first causal evidence of the double dissociation between what we see and what we believe we see: these two different mechanisms derive from the frequency and amplitude of alpha oscillations

“Altered cognitive experiences, such as confabulations or false memories, can be explained by the reduced integration between the subjective and objective components related to experience. Moreover, the dissociation between internal representation and external reality observed in the schizophrenia population might be caused by the non-communication between these two basic processes,” explains Vincenzo Romei, Professor at the Department of Psychology of the University of Bologna as well as coordinator of the study. 

… researchers observed that the process related to the “objective” sampling of external reality is associated to the speed of alpha oscillations. Faster oscillations resulted in more accurate responses by participants

“Alpha-band oscillations have long been considered relevant markers of human perception”, says Francesco Di Gregorio, research psychologist at AUSL Bologna as well as one of the lead authors of the study. 

“The results show that perception is a discrete rather than continuous process. Each alpha oscillations cycle represents a sampling cycle of sensory information, thus the faster the oscillations, the more information can be gathered, which in turn increases accuracy.” 

With regard to the second process related to the “subjective” representation of the sensory event, the amplitude of alpha oscillations is crucial. During the experiment, it was observed that a greater signal corresponded to a lower level of subjective confidence by the participants. 

Champions of illusion – Susana Martinez-Conde

What appears to emerge, form and become "conscious" is the reflection of a thought (purpose) emerging from within a virtual field of energy, light and information, i.e. change/energy (CE). In my opinion, one's consciousness can be revealed and brought to awareness by reflecting upon the method used in perceiving and interpreting an event or experience. 

Reality represents itself to our awareness in the form of oscillation/s, i.e. changing states of energy in motion, between what we believe we perceive and what we believe we observe.

perceive | pərˈsēv | verb [with object]      1 become aware or conscious of (something); come to realize or understand: his mouth fell open as he perceived the truth | [with clause] :  he was quick to perceive that there was little future in such arguments.       become aware of (something) by the use of one of the senses, especially that of sight: he perceived the faintest of flushes creeping up her neck.      2 interpret or look on (someone or something) in a particular way; regard as: if Guy does not perceive himself as disabled, nobody else should | [with object and infinitive] :  some geographers perceive hydrology to be a separate field of scientific inquiry.observe | əbˈzərv |  verb [with object]      1 notice or perceive (something) and register it as being significant: [with clause] :  young people observe that decisions are made by others.      watch (someone or something) carefully and attentively: Rob stood in the hallway, where he could observe the happenings on the street.       take note of or detect (something) in the course of a scientific study: the behavior observed in groups of chimpanzees.      2 [reporting verb] make a remark: [with direct speech] :  “It's chilly,” she observed | [with clause] :  a stockbroker once observed that dealers live and work in hell.      3 fulfill or comply with (a social, legal, ethical, or religious obligation): a tribunal must observe the principles of natural justice.       maintain (silence) in compliance with a rule or custom, or temporarily as a mark of respect: a minute's silence will be observed.       perform or take part in (a rite or ceremony): relations gather to observe the funeral rites.       celebrate or acknowledge (an anniversary): many observed the one-year anniversary of the flood.

The difference between perceiving an event and/or experience and observing it lies in its significance.

significant | siɡˈnifikənt | adjective     1 sufficiently great or important to be worthy of attention; noteworthy: a significant increase in sales.     2 having a particular meaning; indicative of something: in times of stress her dreams seemed to her especially significant.      suggesting a meaning or message that is not explicitly stated: she gave him a significant look.     3 Statistics relating to or having significance. 

The systemic use and symbolic application of language, mathematics, art, music, dance, etc. are designed systems that link networks of thought and bring relevance to the concept of a greater state of awareness described as consciousness. These individual networks are symbolically integrated and by design seek balance, expansion, knowledge and understanding. 

Consciousness is linked symbolically while simultaneously and categorically separated within certain fractal and metaphysical parameters. Awareness sustains and contributes to these ideas by means of symbolically identifying a certain matrix/network of integrated thoughts, emotions, forms and actions. Consciousness is thoughtfully observed, categorized and identified while concurrently being emotionally felt (Kama Manas).

A "world" without thought would be less real than a world without sight, sound, or touch. But, what is thought? For starters, trying to define thought would be like trying to see your acts of seeing. Thought, that is, is not a mere thing in the world; it is the source, form, and continuity of all things.
We literally think our worlds into existence. How many things are there without thought? None: "Things" is a concept This means that without thought there is neither "you" nor "me," nor even "world." There is nothing that could be thought of. This also means there is no "we" independent of thought, and certainly not a we who is doing the thinking.
Can I ever find, as Krishnamurti might ask, the 'I' between two thoughts? That is, see if you can find a thinker who, remaining wholly unthought of, thinks thoughts. Whenever I find a thinker, the thinker is always "within" a thought. Said plainly, it is not that we think thoughts, but rather, it is thought that thinks us.
Thought is not our own, it is the world's. That is, thought doesn't think itself; it is the world that thinks. We, each of us, are the places and moments by which the world thinks.
All said and done, the world thinks itself into existence by thinking thoughts of thinkers thinking about the world.

Professor Corey Anton

"We should not pretend to understand the world only by the intellect. The judgement of the intellect is only part of the truth."
Carl Jung

These virtual rates of occurance are fractal and holographic in quality, and based upon their vibratory frequency take on physical, mental and emotional characteristics. I’m of the opinion that the universe (human) is observed within the constraints and context of a three-dimensional space/time duality, and that what we observe as reality is entirely symbolic in character and expression. 

This dimension, along with others, appears to take on the qualities of a particular "reality" as viewed and symbolically interpreted within the parameters of our own consciousness. 

I am of the opinion that consciousness, as we know it, is created by the fabric of our imagination (subjective) along with the contextual impressions of others (collective), i.e. a virtual reality in which every "form" of awareness (mental, emotional, physical, etheric) is presented, perceived, observed, expressed and experienced. 

This dimensional, i.e. virtual reality, is one of many that together give precedence to a universal network of thought (electric) and emotion (magnetic). I view the I Ching like many other simple and exquisitely designed systems of awareness, as a symbolic network designed to express and bring to light, certain thoughts and emotions that guide us to the entrance of other "virtual realities" that together contribute to the creation of every individual's "virtual unknown", i.e. consciousness.

A major contributor to design consciousness is the Hindu expression of Kama Manas: that with every thought there is an emotion and with every emotion a thought. This proposition helps identify and describe reality as a dualistic and symbolic expression of a Consciousness greater than our own. 

All thought "forms" have an identity, which reflect upon how reality might be perceived and interpreted as a network of merging vibrations, that when coherent, share in creating the perceiver, observer and the context in which events and experiences are observed, interpreted and comprehended

Based upon intense observation, we often "feel" (think and believe) that form and formlessness coexist in all that we observe. This feeling is predicated upon a certain degree of trust in what we believe in, what we sense and what we know. In this fashion we each contribute to a holographic field (matrix) of our own making, a field we can individually and collectively refer to, believe in and willingly accept as reality.

Therefore, what we believe is highly dependent upon those vibrations to which we resonate; vibrations based upon tangible, i.e. physical sensation, and intangible (mental, emotional and spiritual) sources of perception. 

In other words, we are intimately linked and attracted to what we create. We resonate to that which is a fractal impression of our own consciousness. We naturally establish a harmonic resonance to what we create for ourselves and others. We orchestrate every relationship in an attempt to sustain a balance within that which "appears" outside ourselves. We are constantly "balancing" our observations according to a blueprint (DNA) we holographically project as a design of our own reality.

In order to continue to evolve, expand and progress, i.e. live/survive, we must continue to peer beyond the parameters of our current dimensional range (context), perpetually fluctuating in three dimensional space/time. Expansion by means of a designed consciousness, is in order. 

The objective: To fullfill the need and desire to explore, and by virtue of design, resonate within the context of a greater construct, matrix, network, field of our own creation. It is within the diversity of this field where design appears to be a catalyst, by affording the observer/creator greater expansion and heartfelt emotion/feeling into every situation. 

Symbolic metaphor allows for the transition and transformation of energy, light and information between dimensions throughout the universe by virtue of exercising the design paradigm. Design illuminates the hero's journey, i.e. the path individually designed and created to support and expand conscious awareness through balance and harmony.

"Trust that which gives you meaning and accept it as your guide"
Carl Jung 

Trust and belief are subjective interpretations having collective ramifications. Trust and belief have a vibratory relationship between them; where each characteristic supports and in a sense harmonizes, with the other. This association, in turn, unifies the material, emotional and mental components that together create the rationale surrounding the context (reality) in which they resonate. Existing within these same parametric guidelines are circumstances/situations that expose both the subjective and collective values and qualities of each and every experience. Beliefs are typically challenged and at times appear out of phase, when observed from a point of view beyond the constraints of any specific level of consciousness.

Disclaimer: The expansion of consciousness is a natural and clear-headed event. The use of certain substances towards this endeavor without proper guidance could easily become delusional and a fool's paradise.

Separation is not unique. but rather imperative to every exchange of energy required for growth in consciousness. Resistance is typical and should be expected. What is of significance is a perceiver’s ability to resonate and willingly or unwillingly, be absorbed into a more inclusive frequency. The process gives birth to a collective awareness, that when observed within the parameters of its own frequency, will remain challenged by other sources of greater and/or equal magnitude.

"As soon as you trust yourself you will know how to live."
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

* * *

To believe requires the process of thinking to step beyond its own constraints and towards internalization, transformation and amalgamation. Every situation affords the opportunity to be both fragmented and/or united into an association of awarenesses that can subjectively and collectively give precedence to certain particular concepts made in reference to the universe. Within and beyond every field of consciousness are counterintuitive interpretations that when implemented support the expansion of consciousness by means of its design, i.e. the blueprint/patterns of change/energy meant to generate inroads into and towards greater awareness.

As belief and trust approach a commonly shared singularity, i.e. unification, new forms of symbolic awareness (ideas) are imagined, presented, proposed and if sustained within the context they were presented, "materialized". 

We typically believe and in turn trust, in what we intuitively “feel”. We typically believe in what we trust and trust in what we believe, whether these impressions appear before our awareness in the form of an impulse or an object. Interestingly enough, we believe we know how to trust. However, the question remains - to who or what, might we entrust our belief?

It’s no longer about what you believe, rather it’s more about what your being led to believe. Always look within.

"A truth which comes to us from outside always bears the stamp of uncertainty. We can believe only what appears to each one of us in our own hearts as truth."  Rudolf Steiner
You know when your being lied to because you know better, you've already experienced its' feeling. You know something because you "think" you know it for what it is because you already experienced, i.e. were made aware, of it, You know that ignorance is the source of fear, hate, greed, pride, envy, etc. If not, get smart. Don't think it know it.
Trust, but verify.  Russian rhyming proverb

“A decision is a commitment to a specific path (or plan). A choice is a possibility that we will consider based on its effectiveness, efficiency and whether we are willing to live with its consequences. The common denominator for our choices is consequences. 

We make a decision when we look at all of our choices and choose the one that is the most practical and workable in that moment. We may think we decide based on the highest and best for ourselves and to some extent we do. But the common denominator for our decisions is also the consequences we are willing to live with. 

Acceptance is not tolerance. Acceptance is acknowledging someone’s free will and their ability to choose what they want for themselves, no matter how ill advised or awkward we think it is.”
Jennifer Hoffman 
(my parenthesis)

Most everything outside yourself includes a measure of truth - less your opinion. Focus deeply within to find this same Truth for yourself and choose wisely.

Beliefs harbor misapprehension, mistaken impressions, false impressions, misconcenceptions, misunderstandings, mistakes, errors, misinterpretations, illusion, figments of the imagination, fantasy, confusion and self-deception.

Beliefs can create false impressions, hold opinion and appear to be true and forthcoming. To know recognizes the truth and perceives it directly with facts, knowledge and understanding. To know is to be familiar, factual and aware. To believe runs counter to knowing and experience. Always be extremely aware of what you believe to be true.

* * *

Those that know
know they are the one's that believe.
Those that believe
believe they are the one's that know.

To believe is to think you know.
To know is to think you believe.
Each flies within the aethers of the other.

* * *

"To believe is to accept another's truth.
To know is your own creation."

* * *

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Edited: 07.16.2013, 10.22.2014, 02.25.2015, 01.11.2017, 11.05.2017, 11.08.2017, 01.16.2018, 03.05.2018. 03.27.2018, 02.23.2019, 08.09.2019, 09.22.2020, 12.08.2020, 04.05.2021, 04.12.2021, 08.31.2021, 10.24.2021, 11.01.2021, 01.24.2022, 03.15.2022, 06.25.2022, 07.07.2022, 07.15.2022, 08.20.2022, 09.05.2022, 09.09.2022, 10.18.2022, 11.09.2022, 12.14.2022, 03.23.2023, 04.28.2023, 09.07.2023, 12.09.2023, 01.08.2024, 01.20.2024, 01.26.2024
Find your truth. Know your mind. Follow your heart. Love eternal will not be denied. Discernment is an integral part of self-mastery. You may share this post as long as author, copyright and URL is included as the resource and shared on a non-commercial no charge basis. Please note … posts are continually being edited over time. Copyright © 2024 C.G. Garant. All Rights Reserved. (Fair use notice.) You are invited to visit  Now visit Design Consciousness on


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