Wednesday, August 26, 2020

If not for design ...

Conceptual impressions surrounding this post have yet to be substantiated, corroborated, confirmed or woven into a larger argument or network.

The Zone of Deserving

“The role of designer that you so seek to acquire lives deep within the cellular structure of your being. It is not housed in haphazard musing. It resides within all potential tapped and untapped under the multi-dimensional structure of you. When you sense a lack within your life, you immediately move your being into that point and you are re-united with that structured formation of lack – not as a punishment, but as a teaching. When you place yourself in the zone of deserving, then you become magnetic to all possibilities that exist beyond the limitations of your dimensional surveillance. You seek what you know yourself to be. You seek to learn and in that expansion all is served. You seek to become blessed. You seek to find love. And yet all of these qualities are inherent within your own creational field. It is by the profound understanding of embracing what you think you need to be, need to receive, need to know --- that you will fully walk into the distant land that holds these truths. The mechanics of manifestation, the mechanics of creating will be re-defined in the upcoming times for you. The words 'want and need' will no longer be a logistic that describes who you are. The words “have, create, deserve” will be where you land upon as you are flown through this universal understanding of who in truth you really are. There are places that you exist exclusively as Light. There are places that you exist as solar color. There are places that you exist as single celled amoeba. Some places you are only sound. Some places you only exist as a ghost. Your human brain perceives much as inter-dimensional static like white holes within black holes. You are all that you believe yourself to be on every level of existence. Now take that knowledge and create a cosmic collage with it. Take all the pieces of the cracked and broken vase of the universal you and paste them together with love to see who you really are. When you embrace the complexity of your all-ness, then there is nothing that you need or want. All is created with a thought as was originally intended … “
Gillian MacBeth-Louthan 
The Quantum Awakening Newsletter, Nov. 2019, Issue #249, 11:11 Issue 

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“I have never been forced to accept compromises but I have willingly accepted constraints.“ 
Charles Eames, interview in: Domus, monthly review of architecture interiors design art, Nr. 482-493, 1970; Cited in: American Academy and Institute of Arts and Letters (1980) Proceedings of the American Academy and Institute of Arts and Letters. p. 77 Source:

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Energy in motion can be "weighted" in one direction or another. Every situation and circumstance rests upon achieving a sense of neutrality. The concept of  neutrality rests within the parameters of time. An observer responds to the symbols surrounding every intimate event or experience in a significant manner. 
significant adjective       1. a significant increase in sales: notable, noteworthy, worthy of attention, remarkable, outstanding, important, of importance, of consequence, consequential; serious, crucial, weighty, material, appreciable, momentous, of moment, memorable, unforgettable, pronounced, marked, considerable, obvious, conspicuous, striking, glaring, signal, impressive, uncommon, unusual, rare, extraordinary, exceptional, particular, special.  2.  he gave her a significant look: meaningful, expressive, eloquent, informative, revealing, indicative, suggestive, symbolic, relevant, pregnant, knowing, telling, pithy, valid, purposeful. 

Time creates the natural context (potential) for acquiring a sense of balance. Opportunities to acquire a sense of balance appear in the form of acceptance, choice and change. 

Choice portrays, characterizes, classifies, delineates, represents, evokes, illustrates, labels, catalogs, depicts, paints and designates an impressionable change in energy stemming from a common core of conscious awareness.

Creativity describes actions needed to be taken once centered upon implications surrounding every design and design process. 

“Accept of things, having procured them by persuasion, not by force." 
Bias of Priene ancient Greek philosopher, one of the Seven Sages -600 - -530 BC The Lives and Opinions of Eminent Philosophers (c. 230) 

Neutrality can be found when all things are found to be equal. The Universe is designed within prescribed acceptances which allow for the free movement of energy in motion and change.

Design dares to find and pursue neutrality in hope of change. 

Neutrality is critical to the design process. That which is called out attracts what is required for "materialization" by virtue of coherent resonance. That which is created reflects upon the very source of its creation. 

"It’s important to understand that emotions are not the same as feelings. Emotions are responses the mind makes from a space of defining something as being either Good or Bad. Feelings operate in the realm of discernment. They help us intuitively recognize what is expanding us and what is contracting us inwardly. Intuitive feelings differ from emotions, because they do not operate in the duality of labeling ideas or experiences as either Good or Bad. To feel is to expand, and to expand is to love ... visionaries knew that Love is what's helping every living being to progress and evolve. Love itself is neutrality. Love does not operate in duality." Emmanuel Dagher 

Design symbolically reflects upon all creation.

Human awareness is fundamental in amassing in-form-ation into multidimensional symbolic networks through the reflection and radiation of mental, emotional, and physical patterns of energy in motion (EIM). Together they create a "field of change", i.e. consciousness, at levels equal to the frequencies absorbed and emitted by virtue of observation and design.

Consciousness is an overseer of its own design, i.e. forms of awareness that together contribute and/or diffuse any turbulence created by its actions/designs. These impressions can become multiplied and/or increased in intensity by means of symbolic attractions that resonate within an allocated frequency. 

Design creates a symbolic harbor for all meanings and purposes by including all interpretations, translations and transformations into cohesive and constructive patterns and networks of change/energy.

Multidimensionality describes consciousness as an assemblage of awarenesses symbolically linked to all forms, i.e. patterns, of energy in motion and change.

The concept of spirituality is another description for hyperconsciousness where awareness can be taken to higher frequencies of coherency and creation by means of design and the design process. In this space and time (context) all things are potentially in balance, symbolic and where the observer's primary challenge is exercising acute discernment
discernment noun  judgment, taste, discrimination, refinement, cultivation, sophistication, enlightenment, sensitivity, subtlety; insight, perceptiveness, perception, perspicacity; astuteness, acumen, shrewdness, ingeniousness, cleverness, intelligence, sharpness, wisdom, erudition, awareness, sagacity; rare sapience.The quantum field of virtual potential (QFVP) symbolically describes what might be imagined as a doorway into hyperconsciousness where design holds the key.

Become comfortable in reconfiguring your every observation and experience by means of identifying and choosing the most appropriate response within the context of your own symbolic reality.
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Alertness is at the source of Awareness. 
Awareness is at the source of being-ness. 
Being-ness is at the source of Consciousness. 
Consciousness is at the source of a Presence designed in pure Awareness. 

(written in tribute to the works of Eckhart Tolle) 

Edited: 09.16.2021, 01.30.2022, 06.01.2022, 07.07.2022
Find your truth. Know your mind. Follow your heart. Love eternal will not be denied. Discernment is an integral part of self-mastery. You may share this post as long as author, copyright and URL is included as the resource and shared on a non-commercial no charge basis. Please note … posts are continually being edited over time. Copyright © 2006 -2022 C.G. Garant. All Rights Reserved. (Fair use notice) You are also invited to visit  and URL and

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