Conceptual impressions surrounding this post are yet to be
substantiated, corroborated, confirmed or woven into a larger argument, or
fields have no borders other than those we attribute to them by means of
observation and experience. All energy fields have the potential to expand
beyond the symbolic constraints imposed upon them by means of selective observation.
establishes the symbolic link between fields. Interestingly enough, only certain
impressions seem to entice us towards inquiry and discovery, In reference to
humanity, coherent resonance appears to
be a characteristic of the intuition due to its capability to re-cognize and
integrate mental and emotional impressions into a cohesive unit and/or POV.
intuition appears to function as a kind of
“higher mind” often affiliated with the concept of wisdom. The intuition
seems to synthesize a wide variety of human physical, mental, emotional and
spiritual impressions and observations into what has been described as our
“feelings”. It is upon this postulate that the following observations are
Energy has been characterized and measured as being both potential and kinetic in quality.
Potential energy/conceptual = references made between vibratory correspondences. Potential energy infers change.
Kinetic energy/linear = references made between an observer and a frame of reference/s, i.e context. Kinetic energy describes change.
Fields of energy overlap, intersect and become repeatedly configured and reconfigured by means of the context in which they are observed. Fields of energy harbor a wide variety of distinguishable characteristics. Each field is imprinted with a quality of its own based upon observation.
Every field of energy appears to embrace certain attributes/qualifications that distinguish it from others. These distinctions may be measured and made observable or not. These distinctions may be intuitively felt and/or made symbolically apparent through analogy, metaphor or allegory. By means of repetition these correspondences contribute to the evolution of a language personally designed and created by the observer. It is upon these same observations/imprints appearing in the form of feelings/impressions that the mind becomes sensitized. These impressions are symbolic in nature, conceptual in origin and at times are found to be measurable by virtue of their vibratory presence.
Design is the language of awareness. Design embraces the unspoken word. Observation describes and re-presents a set of “ideas” that when observed within a certain context, affords a degree of congruency to a specific field of consciousness.
Ideas are generated
around a concept, i.e. an intangible impression or feeling that harbors both meaning and purpose. Ideas (images) stemming from the imagination are synthetic reflections/impressions originating from a central core/attendance.
Forms/patterns are generated in reference to the context in which they are observed. Ideas may or may not become substantiated, i.e. materialized, dependent upon observable and unobservable circumstances. Fulfillment is based upon an idea's response to kinetic and potential energy re-sources consciously and subconsciously integrated by correspondence. Design leads these impressions out of the darkness and into the light. This describes a journey of symbolic importance
Forms/patterns are generated in reference to the context in which they are observed. Ideas may or may not become substantiated, i.e. materialized, dependent upon observable and unobservable circumstances. Fulfillment is based upon an idea's response to kinetic and potential energy re-sources consciously and subconsciously integrated by correspondence. Design leads these impressions out of the darkness and into the light. This describes a journey of symbolic importance
The physical realm re-presents a unique field/form of energy where patterns appear to “materialize” by virtue of vibration, frequency and corresponding resonance. The strength of a field can be measured by means of its correspondences, i.e. the linking of every expression of energy (idea) into a stable/balanced and re-cognizable pattern through coherent resonance.
vibration: an instance of vibrating:• Physics an oscillation of the parts of a fluid or an elastic solid whose equilibrium has been disturbed, or of an electromagnetic wave. • (vibrations) informal a person's emotional state, the atmosphere of a place, or the associations of an object, as communicated to and felt by others.
frequency: (plural frequencies) 1 the rate at which something occurs or is repeated over a particular period of time or in a given sample:• the fact of being frequent or happening often. • Statistics the ratio of the number of actual to possible occurrences of an event. • Statistics the (relative) number of times something occurs in a given sample. 2 the rate at which a vibration occurs that constitutes a wave, either in a material (as in sound waves), or in an electromagnetic field (as in radio waves and light), usually measured per second. (Symbol: f or ν) • the particular waveband at which a radio station or other system broadcasts or transmits signals.
corresponding: analogous or equivalent in character, form, or function; comparable:
resonance: 1 the quality in a sound of being deep, full, and reverberating:. • the ability to evoke or suggest images, memories, and emotions: 2 Physics the reinforcement or prolongation of sound by reflection from a surface or by the synchronous vibration of a neighboring object. 3 the condition in which an electric circuit or device produces the largest possible response to an applied oscillating signal, especially when its inductive and its capacitative reactances are balanced. • Mechanics the condition in which an object or system is subjected to an oscillating force having a frequency close to its own natural frequency. 4 Astronomy the occurrence of a simple ratio between the periods of revolution of two bodies about a single primary. 5 Chemistry the state attributed to certain molecules of having a structure that cannot adequately be represented by a single structural formula but is a composite of two or more structures of higher energy. 6 Physics a short-lived subatomic particle that is an excited state of a more stable particle.
Water becomes ice due to the context (field) in which its agency (molecules) correspond. Together they create a formation of energy created in response to the context/situation/circumstance in which they are observed. Lower temperatures change the molecular context leading to the creation of a solid, e.g. ice. High temperatures lead to the emergence of a vapor or plasma.
Agencies of comparable vibration are attracted to each other by means of correspondence and as result achieve a coherency through resonance. All agents retain neutrality until observed. This situation appears to be the context from which the concept of duality emerges for purposes of expansion through dynamic energy transformation, i.e. e-motion.
coherence: 1 the quality of being logical and consistent: 2 the quality of forming a unified whole:
Coherency by means of resonance, participates in the creation of a momentary dynamic between "states of energy". This dynamic state is displayed in the form of a field, a changing coalescence, an impermanent presence, or quantified condition. Energy is difficult to harness and therefore can only be best described symbolically by means of the context in which it is perceived and/or observed.
Water describes itself kinetically by what it does when observed, perceived and/or sensed. Energy takes the form of water by means of coherent resonance between atoms/molecules and is symbolically described by means of the context in which it is observed. Differences between states of energy appear to be separated and characterized by means of referential contrast.
Due to the nature of energy, change can be described and/or defined kinetically. One might describe this phenomenon as "energy observed within its own conceptual moment." What we perceive and measure as a field is merely the best way to symbolically describe/label this perpetually changing phenomenon.
coherence: 1 the quality of being logical and consistent: 2 the quality of forming a unified whole:
Coherency by means of resonance, participates in the creation of a momentary dynamic between "states of energy". This dynamic state is displayed in the form of a field, a changing coalescence, an impermanent presence, or quantified condition. Energy is difficult to harness and therefore can only be best described symbolically by means of the context in which it is perceived and/or observed.
Due to the nature of energy, change can be described and/or defined kinetically. One might describe this phenomenon as "energy observed within its own conceptual moment." What we perceive and measure as a field is merely the best way to symbolically describe/label this perpetually changing phenomenon.
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dynamic 1 (of a process or system) characterized by constant change, activity, or progress: • Physics relating to forces producing motion. Often contrasted with static.• Linguistics (of a verb) expressing an action, activity, event, or process. 2 (of a person) positive in attitude and full of energy and new ideas: noun 1 a force that stimulates change or progress within a system or process:
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• containing
typical examples of many or all types
3 serving as a portrayal or symbol of something
• (of
art) representational
4 Philosophy of or relating to mental
1 [often
with adj. ] a business or organization established to provide a particular
service, typically one that involves organizing
transactions between two other parties
• a
department or body providing a specific service for a government or similar
2 action or intervention, esp. such as to produce a
particular effect
• a thing or person that acts to produce a particular
Design creates the
symbolic link between fields of energy, light and information. These links are made
apparent/conscious through coherent resonance.
Three-dimensional space and linear time is fundamentally material in
its nature/context. Humanity shares in this presence/dimension in addition to
three other integrated agencies (fields) described as being mental, emotional
and spiritual in character and quality.
“Perception shapes experience. These are physical examples, but we can say something similar about our everyday psychological experiences too. We become so fixed in our mindsets about what is true, as if our opinions are absolute facts, but like colour and time, they are rarely absolute facts. Often, they are just opinions – either our own or someone else’s.”
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the field of energy transformation (physical/kinetic), these intangible provinces (potential) add a
unique quality to the character of human consciousness. Upon observation these intangible fields/domains are highly sensitive, receptive and responsive. Together they embrace and bring focus to what we believe we know, feel and determine as being real. They are symbolic in character and function, ideas adding to the construct of a particular field of consciousness.
Reality truly is a matter of choice.
intangible: unable to be touched or
grasped; not having physical presence
• difficult or impossible to define or understand; vague and abstract
• (of
an asset or benefit) not constituting or represented by
a physical object and of a value not precisely measurable
speaking the mind, the body, our emotions and the human spirit bring
fulfillment to a greater understanding, perception and projection of our own
personal and natural state of being. Based upon intuitive precedence, human consciousness appears to be conceptual in context and intimately connected to the elusiveness of our mind, our emotions and our spirit.
and over time, higher interpretations/reflections of one’s identity (field)
mingles with the hardcore physical attributes of 3D space/time. Relationships
between these four attributes, i.e. physical, mental, emotional, spiritual,
create an identifiable arrangement of energy patterns/links that influence the
contexts in which events are observed and situations experienced. This
construct has become the ground upon which all belief systems are formed and
choices made.
All fields of energy adapt to the context in which they are observed. These impressions are designed to maintain a harmonic balance between options/choices/directives. Every identifiable, i.e. design-ated, energy field/state retains its identity/balance by means of observation and response (input and output). These responses likewise become the source/s of change made amidst a series of symbolic impressions revealed in the moment.
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Neural Correlates of Consciousness Meet the Theory of Identity
1Department of Philosophy, Faculty of Philosophy and Arts, University of West Bohemia, Pilsen, Czechia
2The Czech Academy of Sciences, Institute of Philosophy, Prague, Czechia
“The theory of identity fits the bill nicely. It is a simple and elegant metaphysical explanation of the mind-brain connection. Why do the neural states and states of consciousness correlate? Because they are one and the same thing. Claiming the identity of phenomenal and neural states enables one to describe their nature simultaneously. Examples from the history of science show that identifying two phenomena which were previously thought to be distinct brings rapid advances in the understanding of both.”
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All fields of energy adapt to the context in which they are observed. These impressions are designed to maintain a harmonic balance between options/choices/directives. Every identifiable, i.e. design-ated, energy field/state retains its identity/balance by means of observation and response (input and output). These responses likewise become the source/s of change made amidst a series of symbolic impressions revealed in the moment.
All fields of energy adapt to/within the context they are observed solely in order to maintain balance from within. Every identifiable, i.e. designated, field of energy retains its symbolic identity by means of focused observation.
field’s identity/sustainability is acquired, denigrated and/or dispersed in
response to the process of coherent resonance.
of energy interpenetrate each other while encountering a certain degree of innate tumultuousness and influence within their combined sphere of influence.
Fields of energy serve as unique sources for change. Fields of energy are in perpetual motion (e-motion) mixing and matching while becoming causal forces in their own right or persuasion. Every field of energy encounters a certain a degree of observable tumultuousness until its context is forcibly stabilized or controlled.
(energy sharing) between the observer and the observed might be construed
as an issue of “magnitude”. As demonstrated
by two tuning forks, a note can freely sound within a field of greater or lesser magnitude, but resonate only with agents that share a common chord.
chord: a group of (typically three or more)
notes sounded together, as a basis of harmony
times patterns, i.e. fields of energy, appear to be consistent yet remain forever
vulnerable whenever a three dimensional POV is engaged. This is the dimension
of certain realizations, where every silent effort towards growth and expansion
by virtue of the intuition and imagination, can be experienced and made
of energy are created by means of induction. Induction describes a particular
type of energy in motion and is fundamental to understanding the concept of
induce: 1 succeed
in persuading or influencing (someone) to do
something 2 bring
about or give rise to:
• produce (an electric charge or current or a
magnetic state) by induction.
Your text dives into a complex and nuanced view of energy fields, observation, and change. Here’s a summary that captures the essence of your points:
1. Adaptive Energy Fields: Energy fields adapt to the context in which they are observed. Their identity and balance are upheld through observation and response, creating a feedback loop of energy in motion as both reflection and refraction.
reflection: sending back, mirroring, image, likeness, display, demonstration, manifestation, expression, proof, evidence, thought, consideration, contemplation, meditation, deliberation, cognition, musing, opinion, thought, view, viewpoint, belief, feeling, impression, conclusion, judgement, assessment, observation, statement.
refraction: the fact or phenomenon of light, radio waves, etc. being deflected in passing obliquely through the interface between one medium and another, or through a medium of varying density, change in direction or propagation of any wave as a result of its traveling at different speeds at different points along the wave front.
2. Observation and Balance: Every identifiable field of energy in motion retains its own symbolic identity by virtue of observation. Change and sustainability of these fields is retained by means of interaction and coherence.
3. Interpenetration and Influence: Energy fields interpenetrate each other, leading to a dynamic interplay of influence within their shared space and time.
4. Patterns and Perspectives: Patterns of energy in motion (ideas) emerging from within every field (concept) is shaped, interpreted and defined by the observer's own sense of awareness while engaged in the process of observation. Observation leads to both tangible and intangible interpretations, correspondences and change.
5. Perpetual Motion and Change: Energy fields are in constant motion, interacting and influencing each other. They experience tumultuousness until their contexts are controlled and made "stable" by virtue of observation. Observation reframes time and can thereby stabilize energy, light and information within a timeframe conducive to proper observation and response. In this sense, an observer can "stop time" merely through the act of observation.
6. Magnitude and Resonance: Correspondences made between an observer and what is being observed are influenced by magnitude. Similar to the relationship between two tuning forks vibrating the same note at a different octave, a common resonance emerges between them by virtue of their coherence.
magnitude: immensity, vastness, expansiveness, greatness, importance, significance, weight, moment, consequence, notability, greatness, distinction, eminence, intensity, power, measure, size, importance, amplitude, capacity, degree, brightness, brilliance, radiance, luminosity.
7. Dimensional Vulnerability: Certain patterns of energy may seem consistent, important and at times appropriate, yet still can become vulnerable when observed from a different perspective. Growth and expansion are influenced by the relationship between the intuition and the imagination along with the thought and feeling of the moment.
8. Induction and Attraction: Energy patterns are created through induction, a fundamental process that acts in accordance with attraction and the free movement of energy.
induction: the process or action of bringing about or giving rise to something, the production of facts to prove a general statement, the production of an electric or magnetic state by the proximity (without contact) of an electrified magnetized body, the production of an electric current in a conductor by varying the magnetic field applied to the conductor.
In essence, your text explores how energy fields are in constant flux and interaction, shaped by observation, resonance, and context. The interplay of these fields, along with the observer’s perspective, influences their patterns and changes.
The author generated this text in part with GPT-3, OpenAI’s large-scale language-generation model. Upon generating draft language, the author reviewed, edited, and revised the language to their own liking and takes ultimate responsibility for the content of this publication.
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“Difference, being of the nature of relationship, is not located in time or space.”
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The concept of a field of energy is relative. The idea of there being a unified field is somewhat misleading. Fields of energy can be both similar and dissimilar based upon POV. Identities founded upon potential energy (concepts) are expected to change during the process towards substantiation.
Ideas founded upon abductive thinking demand that all options/opportunities/choices/alternatives be considered in pursuit of sustainability. In other words, designs are to be "created in the light of balance".
Note: Sustainability is a more expansive and inclusive interpretation of survival. Survival is another word for sustainability when viewed from a lower level of consciousness and dimension. In reference to time: survival is considered short term thinking, sustainability long term. Survival is based upon sustainability and if appropriately designed, a natural and simple outcome in support of sustainability.
survival: the state or fact of continuing to live or exist, typically in spite of an accident, ordeal, or difficult circumstances: PHRASES survival of the fittest Biology the continued existence of organisms which are best adapted to their environment, with the extinction of others, as a concept in the Darwinian theory of evolution. Compare with natural selection.
sustainability: the ability to be maintained at a certain rate or level: • avoidance of the depletion of natural resources in order to maintain an ecological balance:
Be assured you will not discover all the answers to your inquiries here. Continue to investigate into your role as observer, participator and creator in a design of your own making. Be aware of the by-products and outcomes that surround your every choice and decision.
Edited: 09.17.2020, 04.11.2021, 11.01.2021, 03.15.2022, 03.18.2022, 03.25.2022, 10.14.2022, 03.23.2023, 09.11.2024
Find your truth. Know your mind. Follow your heart. Love eternal will not be denied. Discernment is an integral part of self-mastery. You may share this post as long as author, copyright and URL is included as the resource and shared on a non-commercial no charge basis. Please note … posts are continually being edited over time. Copyright © 2006 -2020 C.G. Garant. All Rights Reserved. (Fair use notice) You are also invited to visit and URL and


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