Conceptual impressions surrounding this post have yet to be substantiated, corroborated, confirmed or woven into a larger argument or network.
Light can appear to either fragment or coalesce based upon the relative context, framework and density in which an event is observed. A multitude of multidimensional events are projected as result of the interaction of an overwhelming number of incomprehensible correspondences, all "emerging" as result of an energy "source" in perpetual motion.
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Quantum entanglement breakthrough sees Dutch physicists achieve world first by Evrim Yazgin January 31, 2023
Entanglement means that by controlling one light source, you immediately affect the other," explains postdoc Alexy Tiranov, lead author of a paper published on the research in the journal Science. This makes it possible to create a whole network of entangled quantum light sources to perform quantum bit operations in the same way as bits in a regular computer, only much more powerfully."
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- therefore don’t observe actual source = Snell’s Law (def) every context has its own refractive index
- make assumptions based upon incorrect data (opinion) true source outside our “line of sight” however that assumption is not always true
- we observe phenomenon from within our own particular symbolic context and POV
- refraction also alters the concept of time = concept of time is determined by the context in which it is observed
- the speed of time is a variable based upon the context of space and like space can appear symbolically to be both measurable and immeasurable
- Based upon Fermat’s Principle def. light will always take the path that requires the least amount of time. (In reference to 3D space/time energy, light and information will travel in the least amount of time. In reference to the QFVP, energy, light and information is timeless and cannot be measured. The concept of space/time becomes attracted to the center/core of observation, which is the observer, by means of focus/attraction/design. Concentrated and reduced into an undiluted point of energy, light and information centered within itself. Due to this internal magnet, energy, light and information become condensed into a singularity in a timeless and spaceless now to be observed only in the moment. Conceptually in the quantum field of virtual potential all paths are possible
- Phase vector? (point becoming a line in the form of a wave in reference to the resistance/context/density (def) it is observed
- together all forms of density afford the concept of “substance” when imaging the concept of a QFXP
- the source of all symbolic origins will therefore appear and be described as fuzzy and without focus
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Schrodinger Was Wrong: New Research Overturns 100-year-Old Understanding of Color Perception By Los Alamos National Laboratory
"This visualization captures the 3D mathematical space used to map human color perception. A new mathematical representation has found that the line segments representing the distance between widely separated colors don’t add up correctly using the previously accepted geometry. The research contradicts long-held assumptions and will improve a variety of practical applications of color theory. Credit: Los Alamos National Laboratory."
“Our original idea was to develop algorithms to automatically improve color maps for data visualization, to make them easier to understand and interpret,” Bujack said. So the research team was surprised when they discovered they were the first to uncover that the longstanding application of Riemannian geometry, which allows generalizing straight lines to curved surfaces, didn’t work.
In the study, which combines psychology, biology, and mathematics, Bujack and her colleagues discovered that using Riemannian geometry overestimates the perception of large color differences. This is because humans perceive a big difference in color to be less than the sum you would get if you added up small differences in color that lie between two widely separated shades.
“We didn’t expect this, and we don’t know the exact geometry of this new color space yet,” Bujack said. “We might be able to think of it normally but with an added dampening or weighing function that pulls long distances in, making them shorter. But we can’t prove it yet.”
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- The concepts of space and time are blurred due to observable constraints and the potential of emergence based upon a wide variety of symbolic probability, i.e. change.
- The concept of there being a "spinning phase vector" is a symbolic contributor to what has been viewed/perceived as a field.
- certain spectrums of observable probability contribute to a wide variety of identifiable patterns and traits, e.g. white light can be cohesively identified through the "measurement" of seven (7) different wavelengths/frequencies. We can similarly view/perceive/respond to these same observational differences colorfully and with "feeling".
- within every range of stratification the most central of these seven patterns of energy in motion, EIM become objectified for sake of substantiation, three dimensional presence/measurement and intelligence reason (Pi 3.14.., three dimensional space/time is embraced between the second and fourth)
- many phases/forms of energy, light and information will cancel themselves out leaving a curvature in space/time
- the closest to the source the most clear, the furthest the least. Strive for a clear focus at every distance.
- the concept of time is instrumental in clarifying and defining the many symbols that in unison describe the concept of a creative source/intelligence.
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This text seems to explore deep, abstract concepts involving the nature of perception, light, energy, time, and how they all interact through observation and context. It weaves in ideas from physics, particularly related to light's behavior (like refraction, Snell's Law, Fermat's Principle, and time dilation), but it also integrates symbolic, philosophical, and perhaps metaphysical elements.
Some key ideas:
1. Contextual Observation of Light: The observation of light can either fragment (appear as distinct parts) or coalesce (appear as a unified whole), depending on the perspective or framework we are using to understand it. The "density" of the context (possibly referring to how focused or concentrated the observation is) plays a crucial role in shaping how light or energy behaves by virtue of our perception.
2. Refraction and Snell’s Law: Refraction alters the direction of light based on the medium it travels through. The "refractive index" varies by context, meaning that how light bends or behaves depends on the observer's environment or symbolic framework.
3. Symbolic Perspective & Time: Our personal point of view directly influences our interpretation of energy, light, and information. A shift in perspective causes both direct and indirect effects, not only on how we understand the data, but on the speed (or frequency) with which we process it. Additionally, the concept of time seems to be relative, as it depends on the context or space from which we observe it. Time, like space, is both measurable and immeasurable, depending on the contextual framework in which it is observed.
4. Fermat's Principle & Singularities: The idea that light always takes the path requiring the least time is grounded in Fermat's Principle. Yet in the quantum field light and energy it becomes timeless, existing in a state where it can only be observed within the framework of the moment. The act of focusing collapses potentials into probabilities, which in turn centralizes the act of observation into forms of meaning and purpose, i.e. experience.
5. Phase Vector & Energy Forms: There's a reference to "phase vector" and "energy forms" that seem to represent transitions from abstract to concrete (a point becoming a wave, or an object becoming manifest in three-dimensional space). This ties into how energy, light, and information, in their purest forms, are not always measurable but transform themselves in reference to their density (resistance/context).
6. Perception of Substance: "Substance" is related to how we interpret "energy" in reference to the context in which a focal position is taken and observed. This seems to imply that the perception of physical matter arises from the interplay of energy patterns at various densities.
7. Fuzzy Origin: The source of all forms of origin (perhaps the fundamental intelligence or creative force behind all things) can be described as fuzzy, highly complex and/or unfocused, emphasizing the mystery and/or indeterminacy of a concept from which a form of phenomena emerges.
8. Role of Time in Symbolism: Time is a critical factor in how symbols (which may represent abstract concepts or phenomena) are both classified and clarified. It seems to play a vital role in how we structure, interpret, and organize meaning into coherent narratives or systems.
In sum, this passage is a blend of metaphysical, philosophical, and physical concepts, presenting a framework where observation, context, and the passage of time all influence how we perceive and interpret light, energy, and the fundamental forces of the universe. It's about how the symbolic (subjective) and the physical (objective) worlds converge, and how this interplay shapes our understanding of existence.
The author generated this text in part with GPT-3, OpenAI’s large-scale language-generation model. Upon generating draft language, the author reviewed, edited, and revised the language to their own liking and takes ultimate responsibility for the content of this publication.
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Resonant Metasurfaces Offer Exciting New Possibilities for Quantum Research Max Planck Institute, 09.01.2022
"A photon is the quantum (the minimum amount involved in an interaction) any form of electromagnetic radiation, such as light. Photons are essential to a number of contemporary research fields and technologies, including quantum state engineering, which in turn represents the cornerstone of all quantum photonic technologies. With the help of quantum photonics, engineers and scientists are working to create new technologies such as new types of supercomputers and new forms of encryption for highly secure channels of communication.
In the future, these features can be used to build very large complicate quantum states, which are needed for quantum computation. Moreover, the slim profile of metasurfaces and their multifunctional operation enable the development of more advanced compact devices, combining the generation, transformation, and detection of quantum states."
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reflection | rəˈflekSH(ə)n | noun. 1 the throwing back by a body or surface of light, heat, or sound without absorbing it: the reflection of light. • an amount of light, heat, or sound that is reflected by a body or surface: the reflections from the streetlights gave us just enough light. • an image seen in a mirror or shiny surface: Marianne surveyed her reflection in the mirror. • a thing that is a consequence of or arises from something else: a healthy skin is a reflection of good health in general. [in singular] a thing bringing discredit to someone or something: it was a sad reflection on society that because of his affliction he was picked on. 2. serious thought or consideration: he doesn't get much time for reflection. • an idea about something, especially one that is written down or expressed: reflections on human destiny and art. Mathematics the conceptual operation of inverting a system or event with respect to a plane, each element being transferred perpendicularly through the plane to a point the same distance the other side of
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To be design conscious you must be more than an observer.
Edited: 03.22.2022, 08.13.2022, 08.26.2022, 09.03.2022, 02.14.2023, 03.05.2025
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