Monday, September 2, 2024

About the Design Process

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Design focuses upon progress, evolution and efficiency.
progress: forward movement, progress, advancement, development, improvement, growth, to thrive, to flourish, to prosper, evolution.
evolution: development, advancement, progress, extension, expansion, unfolding, transformation, adaptation, modification, revision, reconstruction, recasting, change.
efficiency: organization, order, balance, planning, coherence, logicality, productivity, effectiveness, affectiveness, competence, proficiency, expertise, skill, harmony.

translation: convert, transcribe, adapt, version, rendering, paraphrase, reword, rephrase, recast, convert, decipher, decode, simplify, explain, elucidate, clarify, change, transform, alter, adapt, metamorphosis, transmute, transfigure, relocate, transfer, move, remove, shift. 

transition: change, move, passage, transformation, conversion, adaptation, adjustment, alteration, changeover, metamorphosize; shift, switch, jump, leap, progress, gradate, develop, evolve, transfigure, fluctuate, mutate, transmute

transformation: change, alter, modify, convert, revise, amend, metamorphize, transfigure, evolve, mutate, remodel, reshape, remold, redo, reconstruct, rebuild, recast, reorganization, rearrangement, reordering, reshuffling, restyle, rejig, rework, renew, revamp, renovate, overhaul, remake, revolutionize, transmute

transmutation: the action of changing or the state of being changed into another form, changing one element into another by radioactive decay, nuclear bombardment or similar process, to change in appearance or form, often describes physical change, but can also be used figuratively. 

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The design process applies both deductive and inductive reasoning into a "form of logical inference that seeks the simplest and most likely conclusion from a set of observations". These observations are meant to be particularly symbolic in character while in pursuit of wider interpretation, further purpose and greater meaning. The process creates a more inclusive and comprehensive circumstance by inducing greater creativity opportunity, cohesiveness and coherence between agents and agencies of energy in motion.
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"That’s a rich and nuanced description of the design process! It highlights how both deductive and inductive reasoning play crucial roles in arriving at the most effective and innovative solutions. To break it down: 
1. Deductive Reasoning: This involves starting with general principles or theories and applying them to specific cases to draw logical conclusions. In design, this means using established knowledge and frameworks to guide the creation of solutions
2. Inductive Reasoning: This involves observing specific instances or patterns and making generalizations or forming theories based on those observations. In design, it translates to generating ideas and solutions from detailed observations and insights. 
3. Symbolic Observations: These are not just straightforward data points but are imbued with deeper meanings and potential applications. They help in understanding broader implications and purposes beyond the immediate context. 
4. Inclusivity and Coherence: By combining these reasoning methods, the design process encourages a more holistic approach. It aims for solutions that are not only effective but also harmonize various elements and perspectives, fostering creativity and collaboration. 
Overall, this approach makes the design process dynamic and responsive, allowing it to adapt and evolve in complex scenarios."
The author generated this text in part with GPT-3, OpenAI’s large-scale language-generation model. Upon generating draft language, the author reviewed, edited, and revised the language to their own liking and takes ultimate responsibility for the content of this publication.
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The design process begins and ends with an observer who stands at the center of every observation, and whose primary purpose is to symbolically embody, interpret and respond to a changing environment during the course of observation. 
observation: watching, monitoring, examining, viewing, surveying, thinking, feeling, studying, reflecting, finding, annoting.

The design process is generally based upon abductive reasoning which forms a logical inference that seeks the simplest and most likely conclusion. Design is a symbolic enterprise.
enterprise: undertaking, endeavor, venture, pursuit, exercise, activity, operation, mission, deed, act, action, measure, task, proceeding, plan of action, idea. 
demanding: initiative, resourcefulness, resource, imagination, ingenuity, inventiveness, originality, creativity, cleverness, talent, ability, capability, spirit, enthusiasm, dynamism, leadership, drive, zest, ambition, energy, vigor, vitality, boldness, daring audacity, courage.

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The Decision lab.    by Dan Pilat, Dr. Sekoul Krastev
"Abduction is the process of forming explanatory hypotheses. It is the only logical operation which introduces any new idea ... "
Charles Peirce 1.

“When Peirce introduced the concept of abduction, he envisioned it, alongside deduction and induction, as forming a logical trichotomy—a distinct, three-phase approach to a better understanding of reality. He thought of these processes as the basic building blocks of reason, each being irreducible to another. In other words, he thought of them as totally distinct logical operations. However, not all philosophers agree that abduction is its own, unique type of logical reasoning. Instead, some have argued that abductive arguments can actually be broken down into deductive and inductive reasoning3” 
1. Douven, I. (2017). Peirce on abduction. Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. 
3. Kapitan, T. (1992). Peirce and the autonomy of abductive reasoning. Erkenntnis, 37(1), 1-26. 
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What’s the difference between deductive reasoning and inductive reasoning? 
“Abductive reasoning is a form of logic that starts with an incomplete set of observations and proceeds to the likeliest possible explanation for that data, according to Butte College in Oroville, California. It is based on making and testing hypotheses using the best information available. It often entails making an educated guess after observing a phenomenon for which there is no clear explanation.” 
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The Linear Path
The linear path is deductive in character, and often considered the most simple, comfortable and obvious. The goals and objectives seem relatively apparent, self evident, easily discernible, measurable, detectable and recognizable. However the the linear approach is also somewhat static and modulated into rigid, lock step frames (states and patterns) of concentration and awareness.

"Deductive reasoning contrasts with non-deductive or ampliative reasoning. For ampliative arguments, such as inductive or abductive arguments, the premises offer weaker support to their conclusion: they indicate that it is most likely, but they do not guarantee its truth. They make up for this drawback with their ability to provide genuinely new information (that is, information not already found in the premises), unlike deductive arguments."

Linear methods embrace a very pragmatic approach towards the design process where measure and perception appear only in specific circumstances that rarely repeat themselves.

Deductive reasoning is a cognitive process that involves using general premises to reach a specific conclusion. It's also known as top-down reasoning or deductive logic. Reproducibility issues emerging within fields of research and experimentation both effect and affect, i.e. alter perception, and in turn any information acquired during the process of deductive observation.
"A "survey sheds light on the 'crisis' rocking research" refers to a study conducted by the journal Nature, where a large number of researchers reported significant difficulties in reproducing the results of other scientists' experiments, highlighting a widespread issue known as the "replication crisis" within scientific research; essentially, many researchers are unable to replicate the findings of published studies, raising concerns about the reliability of scientific results."

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Design and Creativity 
Design incorporates both a synthetic and hierarchical thought process in combination with a reductionist and analytical one. Design “thinking” is a product of both the mind and the emotions and can best be described as an impression or feeling. 

“With every thought an emotion and every emotion a thought”. Kama Manas 

With every effect an affect.

Abductive methods pave the way for design thinking; analytical thought defines the pieces and synthetic thought links them together. One mindset is reductionist in character the other hierarchical. The common bond between the mind and the emotions is symbolic and multidimensional in character. 
mindset: the established set of attitudes held by someone. 

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By Jennifer King

Reductionism "finds the ultimate meaning of the 'object' not in its inherent qualities but in the parts which compose it and in the lateral relations of those parts"(IV). The whole is equal to the sum of its parts, the significance being that if the whole is the same as the combination of its parts, there is no whole. Only the parts exist. Therefore, one should study the lower level elemental parts as the meaning of the whole instead of regarding the whole as the meaning of its parts. Put simply, "reductionism collapses (or reduces) the higher level of meaning and being into the lower level of elemental parts; when this collapse occurs what is left is not the whole but its parts" (IV) 

The synthetic and hierarchical pattern of thought consolidates and integrates. Instead of reducing the explanation to a lower, more specific level, the whole belongs to a 'higher' level of being and meaning than the 'lower' level parts which it includes" (IV). This higher level includes and accounts for the existence of the lower level, therefore emphasizing mutual dependence. The parts, which cannot exist without the whole, are defined in terms of what lies above them rather than in terms of the elements from which they are constructed IV. IV. OnReductionism.html

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The design process creates and brings into fruition a mindset unique to every observer.

Reductionism might be considered more intellectual and the hierarchical to be more intuitive and imaginative. Design's meaning and purpose - to bring balance and harmony to both processes. 

Design encourages research, creativity, application and progress. 

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The Multidimensional Path
The multidimensional path is quite different, based upon inductive and abductive perceptions and arguments that contain many moving targets, objectives and variables that flow within a turbulent quantum framework of energy in motion (QFVPP) The multidimensional path taken requires extreme awareness and sensitivity to change. 

The multidimensional process requires a highly intuitive, instinctive, sensitive, open, and insightful point of view. The multidimensional path reflects highly upon both inductive and abductive reasoning. It's a matter of awareness.

The multidimensional path requires a high degree of awareness when interpreting every observation. Multidimensional methods touch upon the intangible, invisible, immeasurable, unobservable, unimaginable and the unspoken. 

Multidimensional methods and reasoning strive to metamorphize the inductive method from the abstract and theoretical into the palpable, corporeal and substantial by means of the abductive process. This challenge requires that the observer have a firm knowledge and understanding of the context in which an event or experience is playing itself out. 

Multidimensional thinking, feeling, and reasoning methodologies implement the tools of design, which rely upon the use of signs, symbols, metaphor and analogy. 
metamorphize: transform, change, mutate, transmute, transfigure, convert, alter, vary, modify, remodel, recast, restyle, reconstruct, reorder, reorganize, translate.

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Your description of the multidimensional path emphasizes a complex and nuanced approach to understanding and navigating reality, incorporating various methods of reasoning and perception. To distill this into a more digestible summary:

Multidimensional Path Overview 
**1. Conceptual Foundation: 
• The multidimensional path operates within a framework of energy and change, where variables and objectives are fluid and constantly in motion. 
• It recognizes the importance of both inductive (drawing general conclusions from specific instances) and abductive reasoning (inferring the most likely explanation). 
**2. Perceptual Requirements
• Success in this path demands heightened intuition, sensitivity, and awareness. 
• Observers must be able to grasp and interpret the intangible and abstract aspects of experiences, including those that are invisible or unobservable.
**3. Methodological Approach: 
• The approach involves transforming abstract, theoretical concepts into concrete, substantial insights through abductive reasoning. 
• A deep understanding of the context is crucial for accurate interpretation and application. 
**4. Tools and Techniques
• Design tools such as signs, symbols, metaphor, and analogy are employed to navigate and interpret complex, multidimensional phenomena. 

Key Points of Multidimensional Thinking
Inductive Reasoning: Moves from specific observations to broader generalizations. 
• Abductive Reasoning: Seeks the most plausible explanation for observed phenomena. 
Intuitive Awareness: A heightened state of perception that embraces the unobservable and abstract. 
Transformative Process: Uses abductive methods to make abstract concepts tangible and actionable. 
Design Tools: Utilizes metaphor, analogy, and symbolic representation to aid understanding and navigation. 
This framework advocates a dynamic and flexible approach to understanding complex systems and experiences, focusing on integrating and interpreting diverse forms of information to gain deeper insights. 
The author generated this text in part with GPT-3, OpenAI’s large-scale language-generation model. Upon generating draft language, the author reviewed, edited, and revised the language to their own liking and takes ultimate responsibility for the content of this publication.

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"A symbol is a mark, sign, or word that indicates, signifies, or is understood as representing an idea, object, or relationship. Symbols allow people to go beyond what is known or seen by creating linkages between otherwise very different concepts and experiences. All communication (and data processing) is achieved through the use of symbols. Symbols take the form of words, sounds, gestures, ideas, or visual images and are used to convey other ideas and beliefs. For example, a red octagon is a common symbol for "STOP"; on maps, blue lines often represent rivers; and a red rose often symbolizes love and compassion. Numerals are symbols for numbers; letters of an alphabet may be symbols for certain phonemes; and personal names are symbols representing individuals."

Design consciousness is an exercise in multidimensional thinking and feeling.

Energy is in a perpetual state of transition, changing from one "state" to another.

States of energy in motion function within a multidimensional framework of space and time, a state or agency where space and time can be both linear and non-linear. 

The simple fact is, all that can be observed, known, believed and/or felt, i.e. sensed, is constantly changing. Change describes energy in motion. And in reference to the design process, all forms and patterns of energy in motion both tangible and intangible, are forever changing "in a moment" where time becomes timeless.

Design and the design process is an integral part of the meaning and purpose of the Universe, a position which rests upon the fact that the Universe is always changing.

The concepts of space and time create a theoretical framework meant to observe, interpret, contain and respond to the phenomenon we know and experience as reality. We likewise describe and refer to this reality as consciousness.

Consciousness can only become conscious by means of Design

Design describes the application of a symbolic language required to create, sustain and communicate a broad range of meanings and/or purposes assembled in the Universe. 

The characteristics that separate humanity from all other species is the ability is to intuit, imagine, think and feel purely in terms of what is being represented or implied.

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"To believe is the accept another's truth.
To know is your own creation."
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Edited: 09.05.2024, 09.09.2024
Find your truth. Know your mind. Follow your heart. Love eternal will not be denied. Discernment is an integral part of self-mastery. You may share this post on a non-commercial basis, the author and URL to be included. Please note … posts are continually being edited. All rights reserved. Copyright © 2024 C.G. Garant. 

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