Friday, February 11, 2022

Truth of the Matter

Conceptual impressions surrounding this post have yet to be substantiated, corroborated, confirmed or woven into a larger argument or network.

The truth of the matter is we each create a reality we’ve chosen to experience for ourselves. This reality is likewise comprised of others that together give rise to what we perceive/observe as the world. This is a world that includes and describes the Universe in a context and language of symbols/designs we personally experience and reflect upon. This concept is integral in understanding the meaning and purpose veiled in the act of design and creation.

Not everyone will resonate to your point of view or understand the language you use to communicate/observe your reality. This is key to understanding. Differences create the dynamic context required when expanding a reality you think, believe or feel to be true. Every event and experience guides you in your journey. Dualism creates the framework for the emergence and growth of consciousness. 

We each live in a virtual reality of our own making. We choose to accept or reject the virtual reality of others for reasons felt by you alone, i.e. the perceiver/observer. You can either attract or reject that in which you become aware. You determine, prioritize and create the content and context of every aspect of your own reality. Likewise, we collectively determine, prioritize and co-create the content and context surrounding the planet. Both realities function in conjunction with each other in a design in search of balance through harmony. 

“A decision is a commitment to a specific path (or plan). A choice is a possibility that we will consider based on its effectiveness, efficiency and whether we are willing to live with its consequences. The common denominator for our choices is consequences. 

We make a decision when we look at all of our choices and choose the one that is the most practical and workable in that moment. We may think we decide based on the highest and best for ourselves and to some extent we do. But the common denominator for our decisions is also the consequences we are willing to live with. Acceptance is not tolerance. 

Acceptance is acknowledging someone’s free will and their ability to choose what they want for themselves, no matter how ill advised or awkward we think it is.”
(my parenthesis) 

What emerges as result of every situation also reveals the next step in the journey. Multi-dimensional in context, every step requires reconfiguration due to change. Change describes the unknown. Change also reveals both the context and content of the Universe, which is consciousness and Life, i.e. visualizations and ideas of a Virtually Designed Reality (VDR) of its own making. Enjoy the journey with the wisdom and understanding that you are a meaningful and purposeful participant/design created as part of the Life of the Universe. The Universe creates our context, the Earth our content and we as co-creators, its design. 


Learn something every day. Perseverance will make you a master of your own consciousness.

Design Hypothesis: 
Consciousness is conceptual, illusional, symbolic and metaphoric in character. Consciousness is the quintessential archetype. Consciousness is the concomitant consequence associated with a range of multidimensional patterns of energy whose origin rests beyond the subconscious. 

Awareness brings forward a “sense of consciousness” by fostering correspondences and fusing the concepts of meaning and purpose. Metaphysical in content and context, quantum, fractal and holographic in re-presentation, all forms of energy/Life are revealed and made apparent by means of Design. Design is lovingly veiled in all that can be seen, known, measured and/or felt. (12.10.2022) 

Design describes a metaphysical and multidimensional process. The design process is dependent upon knowledge, understanding, intention, intuition, imagination and awareness. Design creates a network of energy in motion (EIM) between fields/states/points/agents and patterns of awareness. Design creates a virtual, symbiotic and metaphoric lattice between consciousness, the subconscious and the unconscious, the tangible and the intangible, the known and the unknown, the seen and the unseen. All forms of energy in motion are based upon principles of meaning and purpose both felt and understood. (01.13.2023) 

What is a designer? Designers are men and women who are faithful to themselves and others who creatively abide and amalgamate their skills and knowledge with love and integrity - the goal: personal, collective, global and soular balance and harmony. (09.01.2022)

“To believe is to accept another’s truth. To know is your own creation.” 

Be assured you will not discover all the answers to your inquiries here. Continue to investigate into your role as observer, participator and creator in a design of your own making. Be aware of the by-products and outcomes that surround your every choice and decision.

Edited: 03.18.2022, 03.25.2022, 06.24.2022, 07.07.2022, 10.20.2022, 03.12.2023
Find your truth. Know your mind. Follow your heart. Love eternal will not be denied. Discernment is an integral part of self-mastery. You may share this post as long as author, copyright and URL is included as the resource and shared on a non-commercial no charge basis. Please note … posts are continually being edited over time. Copyright © 2006 -2022 C.G. Garant. All Rights Reserved. (Fair use notice) You are also invited to visit and URL and 


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